Failure is better than success

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2 years ago

Before you say something...

Since the dawn of times most people has associated the word Failure with negative connotations, making It seem like commiting an error will bring consequences that can't be fixed and that the mere hint of failing is unacceptable, all which, If helpful to some extent, has a much more contradictory effect than you expect. If you tell someone that not meeting a goal represents the end of the world and that It didn't bring anything good to their life, you will discourage a lot of people from pursuing high rewarding paths of life, both materially and spiritually and will only make them fearful of trying anything. However, there's another view you can take to change your relationship with failure and in exchange, one that will make you a braver individual and wiser individual, though this change will only come If you begin to see failing through the lens of the next 3 principles:

1.- Failure as Learning

Most people say that when you fail you threw all those hours to the trashcan, even though It is quite the opposite. By performing all the parts of the process without the desired outcome, you didn't fail at all, you just acquired the required knowledge to get to something, along with some perspective as to where things went wrong, all so you can fix It in your next attempt and actually achieve that which you desire.

2.- Failure as a mean to strengthen yourself

There's no better human quality than resilience, the ability to stand and prevail even when things go sideways, and that's precisely what you gain with failure. By not throwing the towel when you fail, you'll make your skin thicker and will increase your tolerance to risk, knowing that even If It failed, you're still there, much more stronger to face whatever life throws at you.

3.- Failure to recognize It's not the end of the world

Most of the times when you fail, you'll notice that It wasn't as scary as you thought It would be. At the end of the day, you're still alive, breathing, and even if your physical state gets compromised, you might still have time to recover. In exchange you gained something much more valuable than any success could give you, that being the courage to try again without fear, thus embracing the possibility of failure.

I hope that this little article could have been of use to you, bringing a new perspective as to what failing really means and giving you words of encouragement to try again without regards to things not going like you planned, making you in result better at whatever you try to do and more prone to reach the success you so much desire. Thank you for your support and good luck!

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2 years ago
