Facing the Unknown

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2 years ago

That which you most need will be found where you least want to look

We always find ourselves facing points in our lives where we feel really unhappy with our current situation, where things seem to go nowhere and It looks like we're not making any progress, though at the same time, we already know why we're not advancing, It's just that we don't go for It. This might have to do with a lot of things, It might be because It's really hard to do, It's uncomfortable or even worse, It will put us into account with our true self. In this article I'll explain why facing what you don't want to hear or see Is really hard to do, why It is the best decision you can make in times of distress, and how It can help you make your life better. Let's begin with the causes of so much resistance about It.

What's better for you is probably one of the things you least want to do

Now, when we face something that is really hard for us, there'll be a natural resilience to It, as we consider the different factors that might intervene in getting It actually done. When we know that the root of our discontent is due to some particular cause that is in our control , though at the end of the day we do nothing to solve It, this might have to do with two things.

Fear of leaving Comfort Zone: We are creatures of habit, and we quickly get accustomed to certain patterns or routines after repeating them for a prolonged time, making us comfortable with the idea of what's predictable, though what happens If we conceive the thought of ever doing something that challenges what we consider as already known or dominated? Total avoidance of the subject. We begin to imagine a lot of scenarios that could potentially put us in trouble or the negative consequences of actually doing It, all in an attempt to convince ourselves to go back to the domain of what we already have experience on.

Fear of Refusal: The main driving factor of action for some, prejudice, in this case acting as the opposite. You begin to think that If you change a particular pattern of behavior or do something about a particular situation, you'll get backlash from your partners and colleagues, making you nerve out from taking any measures to face the rough truth you have to confront in order to have meaning. At the end of the day, this might have to do with your imagination or you do really have that kind of social circle, though trust me, If they don't want you to progress and do better they're not really people you should be spending your time with.

The best decision you can take (Benefits)

By actually looking where you least want to, you will actually get a lot of benefit and peace of mind, from having better nights of sleep to making you more tough and prone to take better decisions in the future, Let's highlight some of the benefits It can bring you:

More adapted to new challenges

When you actually do what is hard and you have been avoiding all this time, many structures in your brain work together to coordinate themselves and get the task done, which at the long run will result in an enhance on the level of myelination of your neurons, resulting by this that you'll increase your level of focus and the functioning of your nervous system. Not only this, though It will also give you mental toughness, which will prove a valuable resource for next tasks.

Increased Rate of Advance:

Let's say you're an athlete and have muscular imbalances that might be affecting your performance, either due to some weakness in a deeper level or just negligence from your part. Well, you won't improve at all If you just attach to your old routine, hitting the same spots. It will be those muscles that are causing you the most trouble that will give you the most benefits and that will help you become better. This is true in any discipline. As you self-assess your own deficiencies and maybe even getthe help of others to realize what you're doing wrong and then acting upon It is what will help you reach mastery quicker and make you unstoppable.

With all this, I hope that this can bring light to you as to what you might be avoiding and how actually facing it can be for your best, making you not only a better person though also giving you less preocupations in life. As Always, Thank you for your support and good luck!

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2 years ago


This article just made me assess the things that I least want to do hahaha. Thank youu.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha don't worry. Most of the time the hardest part is taking the decision to do them. You're welcome.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

yes yes

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2 years ago