Does the other person feel comfortable?

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1 year ago

Just look at their body

One of our main concerns when It comes to talking to other people is how they perceive our presence, either welcoming our company or closing themselves to our attempts to form a conversation. If you find yourself thinking too much about how things turned when approaching someone you like or enjoy spending time with, you just have to look at their body language when they see you. That's why in this article I will give you some tips to help you figure out If you're welcome or not to a group of people, all so you can know If to spend time with them or to use your time in better ways. Let's begin

Their feet are pointing at you:

You might have read this in another books or articles, though this doesn't take from the importance of this. When people feel interest about a particular person's company, they will unconsciously move their body in the direction of the object of their attention (If this attention is positive, not like being alert to threats), specially the inferior part of It. One or two feet pointing towards you are great signs of them paying attention to you and being engaged in a conversation, making you know that they appreciate your presence. If they point their feet in a direction opposed from yours, you'll realize that they're not interested (At least initially) about an interaction with you.

Open Body Language:

Another hint that you can take about a person's interest when talking with you is the way in which their whole body opens when they feel more comfortable with the interaction. Things like having their arms uncrossed and their necks exposed are some prominent signals of open body language, in this way confirming that they don't think of you as a potential danger and that they gladly acknowledge you.

I hope that this short article could have been of utility, letting you know about a couple things to check when you begin any conversation to know If the other person wants to keep talking, encouraging to not feel insulted or wronged when the other person doesn't want to talk, as It can be normal when people have important matters to solve and they're there for another particular reasons, so always be mindful that the best person to have around is yourself. Thank you for your support and good luck!

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1 year ago
