Do you have problems sticking to New Year's Resolutions?

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1 year ago

Before you learn where you want to be you have to learn where you don't want to go.

The same problem happens every year: A lot of people begin to create their New Year's Resolutions and write down all the benefits they will get, all without having a clear plan of action or defining where they want to get to. This causes that by the beginning of the new year, they start doing all those things they proposed themselves. However, a couple weeks pass by and they suddenly begin to put up more and more excuses, all until they quit for good by the end of the month, repeating the same cycle when december comes.

There is a lot of mistakes in the metodology of creating conventional goals for a particular date, though one of the most critical is that of not knowing what failure will look like and what kind of actions put your dreams at stake. That's why in this article I will talk about the importance of writing down the undesired consequences of not following what you say, picturing how your life would be if you just succumbed to entropy, all so you can gain a renewed sense of purpose out of whatever you do. Let's begin:

Negative Emotions can drive us to action

We can divide people into two groups: Those whose actions are guided by positive visions of the future and opportunities, and those who are more in the negative emotion side that are guided by the prospect of losing something or someone If they don't take action. Generally, People who are more in the introvert end of the spectrum tend to be driven by negative emotion and extroverts by positive visualization. What we can't deny is the importance of seeing the future in detail, either in the best case or in the worst case.

By defining a vision of what your life would look like If you let yourself be guided by bad habits and inaction, you'll be much more aware of the times when you are engaging in that kind of behavior, making you both uncomfortable and angry enough to correct your steps and guide you towards the path of your end goal.

How to set up an efficient negative vision of the future:

First of all, you have to dedicate 30 minutes of your day to sit down and be entirely honest with yourself, trying to visualize what is the worst state you could be in (Opposed to the best version of your future you can imagine) If you took all the wrong decissions possible. After that, you have to write It down in a piece of paper, thinking now of what actions could lead you to that point. Once you have It all figured out, you'll know exactly what things will exactly lead you to hell, things which you should avoid to drive you further towards your goal.

Once you know what you don't want, It will be much more easier to determine what are the right steps towards the path of success in your own terms, increasing the possibilities of you following through and reaching what you want.

I hope that this article could have been of use to you, providing you with why considering the negative outcomes is so important, as It can be a powerful motivator for action. I encourage you to always look at what's the worst thing that can happen If you don't do what you're supposed to so you can really put yourself to action. Thank you for your support and good luck!

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1 year ago
