Define what you want out of life

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2 years ago

Know your goal

Most people find themselves in the same predicament. They are in a miserable situation, in a job they don't like, a relationship they don't want and a life that they despise. However, If you would ask them what is that they really want out of life, you would find that in most cases the answer would be either too vague or a sudden "I don't know". The problem of not knowing what you really want out of life is that by not having a metric to which measure your progress, you wouldn't know which are the steps required to find what is that you really consider as valuable in attaining. In this article I will guide you through some tips that can help you in better defining what you really want for the future and work to get It. Let's begin with the first:

1.- Write It Down

Kinda outdated and useless. Well, no. You wouldn't be able to build upon ideas upon using your own mind due to the fact that you have a limited attention span and memory, capacities in which you cannot rely to formulate a consistent goal. In order to carve out your real goals, you should use physical mediums in which to define them. The better specified these objectives are, the most likely you will be to find a course of action towards them, because in the opposite case, a goal that is not defined properly will make It harder for the person to create a plan upon how to reach It and thus make him/her more confused about a concrete goal.

2.- Think in terms of habits, not of goals:

Some people like to set a series of objectives to get what they want, i.e Getting skinnier and then putting up "losing 10 kgs" as a main goal. However, that alone won't bring you enough instructions about what to do daily to get that result. In most situations, in order to really get nearer where you want to be, you'll have to craft a particular routine and sets of habits to attain It. If you want to lose those 10 kgs, you will have to set out habits like: "Run for 30 mins a day" and "Do cardio after every workout session". This kind of defined activities for your day to day can make you progress in a faster rate that If you just put a goal and don't write about It.

3.- Make sure that you are the one that wants It

Since we were young we were taught that following what everyone else's sought was a good habit, either a college degree, that job position or that new car. However, there's a big flaw in It: That we're all different, having different inclinations and affinities, some bending more towards cinema, music and other forms of art and others focusing in more technical tasks, so before assuming that a particular decision is something that you really want to your life, ask yourself If It is you or everybody else that really want to attain It. This will save you a lot of heartaches as you feel the regret of not pursuing something meaningful for you.

I hope that in this little capitulation of tips you can get some value with regards knowing what you want to reach, making you more smarter and less confused regards your direction in life and being able to give you an objective to follow and fight for. Thank you for your support and good luck!

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2 years ago


Thanks for these article is educative In life we we have different choices to make, set your goals

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