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2 years ago
Topics: Learning, Music, Research

How to make It sound bigger than life

Here we go with another effect that can be applied to sound, In this case not too different from delay, though with an extra characteristic. Its action can be appreciated in day to day situations, for example when you go to church and hear a lot of people singing in unison, where all the voices compliment each other and even though there are slight time separations between each other, they still sound like a big voice with many timbres, that surely occupies more space frequency wise. The name of this occurrence is denominated as chorus, as in an actual service choir. This particular phenomena can be added in an artificial ways through dedicated equipment or with the help of digital processing. Let's talk about what Chorus specifically is, and the many ways to control It in our DAWs or hardware.

What Chorus Is?

Chorus is an effect that when applied to the sound, generates multiple copies of It and separates each one in short intervals, resulting that when the instrument is played, all the different "voices" as they might be called, act in unison and make the overall sound bigger, fuller and more defined in tone.

Once we know this, is time to discuss the most important knobs that can be found in particular Chorus hardware/VSTs.


Being an individual effect by Itself, in this case, the option is used to define the minimum amount of distance that will be set for all the voices present in the Chorus.


Depth will determine how much the copies or voices in the sound will vary, either in delay distance or in the shifts produced in frequency.


Nothing can be complete without a Stereo Knob. Simple as It might sound, It is used to make the processed signal (With chorus) wider in the stereo field.


Also present in many other effects where there's an option for modullation. Low Frequency Oscillators are used to make the processing of the signal vary through the interval that It is played.

And with this we can conclude this short article. I hope that with the information provided you can gather more knowledge about what Chorus is, how It can be applied and the many ways you can control It so you can put your creativity onto It. As Always, I wish you the best of luck and thank you for your support.

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Avatar for JophMax
2 years ago
Topics: Learning, Music, Research
