Be able to say No

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1 year ago

The worst kind of lies

We like to think that the consequences of lying are pretty much minimal and can be easily overlooked. However, that's not the case. When you bend reality through deception, It will surely snap back at you sooner or later, whether in the form of the people you try to hide things from realizing they were tricked and confronting you on It or in situations going sideway, creating a much more abrupt response than the one you were so afraid of. Well, many of us might think that we're exempt from this rule because we don't lie at all, though we don't take into account the fact that even not standing up for yourself and not being able to say no to others are lies Itselves. That's why in this article I will try to convince you of the importance of being able to negate things you don't want or even better, alternatives you repudiate, all through a couple of tips you can apply to get you to act. Let's begin:

Think about the worst case scenario:

You don't know what you're getting into until you look at the bottom of the pit, in this way using fear to some extent as a motivator for getting you to act in the correct way. Well, that's the exact thing you want to use when considering a lie instead of the truth, thinking of the downward spiral you can quickly go to If you let things escalate through putting make up to the truth, and the nights of stress It can give. Always think of the hell you're gonna face If you don't say the truth and you'll be much more prone to making the right choice.

Realize that with negation comes respect

You might think that If you say no to someone they'll stop liking you or they'll begin to hate you. However, this is far from the truth. Even If at the beginning they think of you as inconsiderate, they will understand at the end of the day that you have more important things to do and they will quickly go back to what they were doing, asking for someone else's help in the same job. However, what you'll find is that people will begin to respect you more, as you won't be available at all times and you will show yourself as an independent being, one that commands respects with his/her decisions and whose presence can't be taken for granted.

I hope that this little article could have been of use to you, portraying to you the importance to saying no to things If you want, freeing you of many hours doing things you don't want to do and saving you the pain of things getting out of hand because of avoidance for too long. I encourage you to always be truth to yourself and to not falsify your responses, not mattering how threatening the other outcome might result. Thank you for your support and good luck!

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1 year ago
