Altering your reality

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1 year ago

Everything but to Look It at the eyes.

We all know that since the beginning of time the world has had Its fair share of beauty and horror, showing to us Its more sublime creations and the worst atrocities that can happen, either from nature or from our own hand. However, in modern times you would have thought that this was left in the past when It fact It has just gotten worse, and not because the number of people comitting crimes or accidents has increased, though because of the easiness which with these things can be documented in mediums where negativity tends to tribe and get more attention. Along with this we find ourselves at times where we are the loneliest and most disconnected with our human peers since our tribal origins despite of the amount of technologies that facilitate contact, either because of the time spent at work or our escapades to alternate realities, things which will be the topic of this article, talking about our tendency of using different methods to avoid facing the harsh realities of life and how our environment shapes this. Let's begin:

Image taken from Author: geralt

An abundance of distractions:

Before when faced with a particular crisis or problem you had three options, to actively seek a solution till you get rid of It, to seek the help of someone you trust so you both can do something about It, or to bore yourself to death while doing nothing. Nowadays, the amount of tools you have to just sweep things under the rug and seek for something more comfortable and "entertaining" is greater than ever, these tools represented by the vast amount of social media, movies, series and videogames that provide an artificial sense of accomplishment and progress which quickly fades and leaves you emptier than ever, though not with sufficient discomfort to finally make you get up and do what you should do, though to repeat these kinds of behavior again and again. Not only that, though the use of substances that "enhance" our experiences such as alcohol and other drugs has increased in the younger generation too.

All these distractions can be described in a more abstract sense as "Realities" that we turn to in order to block the pain that our main one causes us, seeking for proactive characters with stories way more interesting than us, embelished portraits of other people's lives or enhanced versions of ourselves in virtual existences so we can project our fantasies into those objects of desire instead of looking at the one we should really focus in: Our own.

Image taken from Author: Sammy-Sander

Face the Dragon even when you feel fear

I don't hate videogames, movies or series, as these can represent a source of entertainment you can enjoy after a day of working for yourself, though what I'm really trying to warn you about is that you shouldn't use these as ways to distract yourself from taking responsibility of your life as the consequences that they'll bring will be much more detrimental than what you expect and by the time you realize It might be too late.

Much of people's suffering nowadays is because of their own making, though they don't like to accept It and usually shift the blame to other elements such as their country, corporations or their parents. While this might be true to an extent, It doesn't account for the fact that even though we can't control our past or what happens to us in the day to day we have full awareness of the decisions we take and how we react to everything, not being victims of everything that the world throws at us, though also active participants of It. So I always recommend you to look at what you have been avoiding all this time and work, even If It is for a couple minutes in the day, to try to solve It.

Image taken from Author: viarami

I hope that this article could have brought you a different perspective on a problematic that has been happening for the past few years and no one seems to pay much attention to, making us much more prone to keep looking the other way and committing the same mistakes. At the same time I encourage you to always be aware of your problems and work to solve them If that is in your control. Thank you for your support and good luck!

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1 year ago
