Spending BCH for Mother's Day.

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Avatar for Jonjonjon
3 years ago

The most amazing people on this planet are mothers. There's nothing greater than a love of a mother. They carried us in their womb for nine months, sacrificed, and endured so much pain just to deliver us in this world safe and sound. They are our mothers, and they deserve everything in this world.

Mothers are the only people who've been there for us since the beginning of our existence. They felt and endured so much pain for us to see this beautiful world we live in. They are the ones who are so hands-on in our needs; everything we need. They were there so happy seeing their first times in this world, first smile, first word, first tooth, first crawl, the first step, first months, first birthday.

They were there for our first time in school. They were there in our first toothache. There were there in our first heartbreak. They were there all the time, they never left us.

Every mother has a story to tell, has her way of taking care of her children, has her way of nurturing and guiding her children, has her way of disciplining her child and showing her love. They may be different in their ways, but they are all amazing, our greatest love.

They all deserve the love and respect from us; their children.

Spending BCH for Mother's Day

Since tomorrow is Mother's Day (May 09, 2021), I decided to spend some Bitcoin Cash to buy something for mom. I'll get some from my earnings on Noise.cash and here on read.cash. it's not that big amount, but enough to make her feel happy and special.

I chose to spend some BCH because I don't have cash in my pocket, and isn't it bitcoin cash supposed to be spent not just hodl?

I ordered a pizza in the nearest five-star hotel in my place, of course, it's for someone special. And a set of other foods just for mother's day.

Why foods? Not gifts or bouquet of flowers or chocolates?

Well, my mom isn't that into material things. When someone gave her bags or jewelry she accepts it and appreciates it, because it's a gift and she doesn't want to make the one giving her gift feel sad. But she prefers simple things, like a simple message, a kiss on the forehead and cheeks, a hug; a very tight one, eating together. Because those are priceless. Those are the moment she'll treasure in her heart for a very long time. And that's why I chose to get some food instead of a material gift.

Sharing a little thing about mom

My mom is a fighter and she is amazing. She sacrificed so much for us to grow and become decent people. She works hard just for us to finish our education. She did everything she could to give us a good life. And that's something I am grateful for. I'll be forever thankful to her, for everything she does, and I am thankful to her for what I become; who I am today. I may not be expressive most of the time, but I know, she knows how much I love her. How much I try so hard to strive for me to be able to give back to her, I'm not obliged to do so, but I want to. I want to make her happy, I want her not to get stress anymore about making a living. I want her to live comfortably. And that's why I'm trying.

Final thought

We children should not forget to be grateful to these amazing women in our lives; our mothers. Show them the love, the respect, the warmth, and the care they deserve. Don't forget that they are the ones who were there all the time. They're the reason why you're here alive; breathing. And they are amazing!

And Spend BitcoinCash, that's its purpose, to be spent. Then replace it.

BCH: Spend and Replace.

Sponsors of Jonjonjon

$ 0.30
$ 0.15 from @Mr_Trenzs
$ 0.10 from @Jane
$ 0.05 from @Laurenceuuu
Sponsors of Jonjonjon
Avatar for Jonjonjon
3 years ago


Happy Mother's Day to her

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks so much ms. Jane. Makakarating.

$ 0.00
3 years ago