Strange, very strange

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Avatar for JonhRon
2 years ago
  I do not know if you are up to date on the space race that China is doing, but I will update you. In 2019, China decided to send its rover robot Yutu 2 to explore the dark side of the moon.
  So far so good, we were all waiting to see what was hiding in such a mysterious place. After almost three years of waiting, it finally happened, the Chinese rover brought something ...
  At the beginning of December he sent us a photo of what looked like a cube, many of us speculated what it could be, a selenite base, the remains of a ship, a secret base, ... who could say.
  We all had great expectations to discover what that could be, the National Space Administration of China (CNSA) estimated that it must have been only 80 meters away, and the scientists calculated 
that it would take between two or three months to get there, what a stupid right? Well, yes, but that rover is very slow, to give you an idea, in three years that it has been on a mission to travel a 
kilometer, it seems a nonsense but up there the rover was imposed.
It is powered by solar energy and when it is night it turns off and lasts for two weeks every night as this is how it goes, it cannot work when the sun is directly above it because it overheats.

  Well, after a long wait, they finally bring us the results, and it turns out that it's a rock, a rock that doesn't even look like a cube, they say it looks like a rabbit, really, nothing again, or at 
least That's what they tell us, but I don't know about you, this smells strange to me.

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