Who am I and what is my lineage that you have brought me thus far? I want to in a special way articulate my sentiments of gratitude to my Heavenly Father who alone is God and who alone will continue to be God despite the changes in time and space. He is still God and cannot change.
He is the Almighty and all knowing. He is the source from which all sources developed. The God who manifest Himself in all things yet, could not be affected by the weakness of those things which He manifest Himself in. He is the essence of all things and in Him all things holds. He is the manifestation of the hidden reality, the Being that is. He is a necessarily Being while we are contingent beings. We live in time while He lives in eternity.
Philosophers calls Him the comprehension of the incomprehensible, the body of the incorporeal, and the form of formless. Others calls Him the Nature Naturans(Naturing Nature), the Nature Naturata(Natured Nature). I call Him the beautiful beauty and the intrinsic good.
But in spite of all these names, human language could not still describe and portray who you are and what you are. You are far beyond human comprehension and knowledge and our various languages are too weak to describe your true essence.
I wholeheartedly thank you for leading me through the chaos of life and the storms that constantly storm creatures. Be forever glorified. May your name continue to radiate to the ends of the earth. Thank you, for I know you will see me through in my journey towards perfection Amen!!! It is by His grace that I exist and I'm blessed because I am resting in His breast.