electrum-cash: connecting to a server

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Avatar for JonathanSilverblood
4 years ago


Electrum-cash is a javascript/typescript library for communicating with electrum servers.

This example demonstrates how to create a connection to a server and how to cleanly shut down when you're done using it.

Including the client library in your project

When you are using a single server for your project, you should only include the client, either in CommonJS or as an ES2015 module depending on your project.

// Import the electrum client in CommonJS.
const { ElectrumClient } = require('electrum-cash');
// Import the electrum client as an ES2015 module.
import ElectrumClient from 'electrum-cash';

Set up the library and connect with a server

You will need to create an instance of the electrum client with the server connection electrum clientdetails for the server you want to use.

// Initialize an electrum client.
const electrum = new ElectrumClient('Your Electrum App Name', '1.4.3', 'bch.imaginary.cash');

Waiting for the connection to be established

Before you can start using the client, you need to connect to the server and wait for it to complete version negotiation.

// Wait for the client to connect and complete version negotiation.
await electrum.connect();

Shutting down when you're done

After you're done with the server, you should disconnect from it to shutdown gracefully.

// Close the connection.
await electrum.disconnect();

$ 1.23
$ 0.50 from @emergent_reasons
$ 0.28 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.25 from @rosco
+ 2
Avatar for JonathanSilverblood
4 years ago


Hi I'm trying the sample code and get an error. TypeError: ElectrumClient is not a constructor in const electrum = new ElectrumClient('Your Electrum App Name', '1.4.3', 'bch.imaginary.cash'); I'm missing something

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Before you can use the library, you first need to add it to your project.

use "npm install electrum-cash", then in your source code add something like:

const { ElectrumClient } = require('electrum-cash');

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The nmp dependecies are up to date $ npm install electrum-cash

up to date, audited 10 packages in 2s

found 0 vulnerabilities -------------------- My code ------------ // Import the electrum client as an ES2015 module. import ElectrumClient from 'electrum-cash';


// Initialize an electrum client. const electrum = new ElectrumClient('Your Electrum App Name', '1.4.3', 'bch.imaginary.cash');

// Wait for the client to connect and complete version negotiation. await electrum.connect(); /* // The address we want to get balance for. const address = 'qqc9ccx0403cefp45n5knnauullel9y5xspyt56x4p';

// Request the balance from the server. const balance = await electrum.request('blockchain.address.get_balance', address);

// Print out the current balance, in satoshis. console.log(Balance for '${address}' is ${balance.confirmed} satoshis confirmed, and ${balance.unconfirmed} satoshis unconfirmed.); */ // Close the connection. await electrum.disconnect();

I'm able to log the clientState so the library is correctly loaded

$ node main.mjs { '0': 'UNAVAILABLE', '1': 'AVAILABLE', UNAVAILABLE: 0, AVAILABLE: 1 } file:///media/datos/work/yo/bchDemo/main.mjs:8 const electrum = new ElectrumClient('Your Electrum App Name', '1.4.3', 'bch.imaginary.cash');

It finally worked updating the client initialization as follows const electrum = new ElectrumClient.ElectrumClient('Your Electrum App Name', '1.4.3', 'bch.imaginary.cash');

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Try this:

import { ElectrumClient } from 'electrum-cash';

$ 0.00
3 years ago