How Can You Improve Your Child's Reading Skills?

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3 years ago

It is an important role of a parent to teach his or her child to read because love for reading can greatly contribute to the success of child later on in his or her life. How can you develop the reading skills of your child?

How can you develop your child's reading skills? The best way for children to learn how to read is to help them have phonemic awareness or the knowledge of the different sounds of letters. You must also find time to read aloud for your children so they will develop their love for reading.

With this in mind, what can you do to help your child develop his reading skills despite of having a busy schedule? What are the techniques and strategies that you can apply to help your child develop his reading skills?

Many parents realize the value of reading in the life of their children. They read books to their children when they are still young and do not have the ability to read for themselves. A love for reading should be instilled in your children as they grow older to help them improve their language skills, independence and maturity.

In some cases, your child might be struggling to read on his own. The following are seven effective ways to improve your child's reading skills:

  1. Read to your child and with your child.

    You must find time to read aloud to your children to improve their ability to understand the world, process information, and have better comprehension skills.

  2. Develop a daily reading habit.

    You must encourage your child to read at least 15 minutes a day in a span of 20 days to develop his love for reading. Daily story time routine will instill the importance of reading him until he appreciates reading on his own.

  3. Make reading a pleasurable activity.

    You can provide your child different fun activities to get his attention and interest. Have him read menus, roadside signs, game directions and other practical everyday information like newspapers, brochures and magazines. Give him something to read during his spare time like riding in a car or waiting for a doctor. This will help him think that reading is fun.

  4. Help him find books that he loves.

    Find the right type of story that your child will enjoy. Exposing him to different types of stories will help you determine which type of story gets his interest. The more interested he is in the topic of book, the more excited he will be to read it.

  5. Stay involved in your child's reading education.

    Monitoring your child's reading progress will prevent his reading difficulty. You should address these kinds of problems as early as possible and take necessary steps before the problems become serious.

  6. Encourage his curiosity about vocabulary.

    As your child reads, encourage him to look up difficult or unfamiliar words in the dictionary. You can even do this together. make flashcards of the difficult words and ask him to guess their meanings before you say their definitions. In this way, his skill of inference or thinking through the possible answers based on the context will be developed.

  7. Strengthens spelling skills.

    While showing your flashcards with the difficult words, ask your child to spell the words out loud or on paper. Give him the opportunity to double-check his spellings and find mistakes on his own. This strategy will teach him to self-correct and reduce his fear of trying out difficult words. Your young students may even enjoy using multisensory techniques such as tracing words with a finger.


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3 years ago
