My Freshman Year: They were rare but I found them

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3 years ago

I started college with a broken heart and disturbed mind. I was on the edge of not continuing my dream, I blame myself and until now I live in guilt. But life is so kind to me on my roughest day. I never imagine how could strangers make you feel so warm and belonged. In this world full of fake I found the rarest gems.

The memory of how we started our friendship is still vivid in my mind. We were all freshmen and have no idea where to go and what to do at the first week of school. We were total strangers that were enrolled in the same course but still have no schedule for our respective classes. So, we stayed at the stairway near our department office and been waiting there for ages, and just to found out that the release of study load was already happening on the third floor of PHINMA HALL. As we stayed we exchange stories of our life –reasons why we took the course and some stories of our love life, which is a kinda tragedy on my part. Right there I felt the connection, how weird it is to feel that way on strangers.

Days had passed and I don’t know how and why but I start to open up to them, I voluntarily open up about the things that I rarely speak for, and that was the most amazing feeling. The burden was lightened. I never tell them this but they helped me to align myself again to my chosen path. They remind me why I fought so many battles to get where I am now, they remind me of the things I used to tell myself. These people make me feel alive again. All they did was to listen to me without judging me, and they leave words that I find so kind. Kindness is really medicine. It so great to talk worry-free to what they will say or how will they react.

The feeling is very surreal that in this world that hate dominates there is still hope and love that will counterpart. That there are still people who listen because they want to help you not just because of the story you can bring on. See? There is still humanity. In them, I realize that what you surround yourself become who you are if you surround yourself with people who aspire to you and you’ll be motivated to become the best version of yourself. I also realize how listening and talking could cure your inner trouble. When we talk about the nightmares we are going through it releases the feeling of being unwanted and the time that it is our turn to listen we learn that we are not alone going into trouble. There is beauty in communication and there is love in comprehension. To understand and to be understood is like floating in a cloud 9.

I am beyond grateful to have them, and I guess it is true that in college you’ll meet people that will leave a great mark in your life. I don’t know how to thank them, what they did to me seems to be simple for them but it means the whole world to me. Kindness is rare nowadays but I found it in them. This is for everyone, find a friendship that will help you grow and motivate you to become the best version of yourself. A kind of friendship that will align you to your path when you’re about to turn another way around.


-Your Future Psychiatrist

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3 years ago
