One piece this anime is super duper long episodes by creator mr. ODA i think 🤔. Im not fan of the One Piece anime but i know its great but not great like others anime i watch that my opinion We are the Anime Lovers 💏 have differents opinions every anime we have different taste of genre different ratings but dont hate anime because you dont love it, just ignore it if you don't want that anime because its being mean in the creator and animator, dubber people to say it... To create a MANGA its very super difficult and the MANGA to ANIME is being more super duper duper difficult you need a sponsor to release that, even you habe graet MANGA even you are great ARTiST if you not found a Sponsor youre Man Lga not gonna be an ANIME..
Thank you Thank you Thank you for reading 📖 it. HAVE a great day.. Im in a bad mood now 😶 so please you have a great day.. 🙏
Onepiece one of my favourite anime im not updated now because of the Covid-19 pandemic. M