Poverty is not the hindrance of Success

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3 years ago
Topics: Write

Poverty is not a hindrance to ones' success. If you will work very hard, nothing is impossible.

Just want to share my experienced in life. I finished my bachelor degree as a working student. At my young age, when I was 14 years old I was away from parents already, Being away from my parents & siblings was very hard,really hard to adjust specially im still young at that time. I kept on crying specially before i slept coz i really missed them so much but because of my ambition in life which is to finish my studies, i pursue my dream. Im from Mindanao & i went to Cebu (Visayas) to be a housemaid & luckily my Boss want me to continue my studies. I am 3rd year high School at that time. I went to School during night time coz i still have a lot of household chores during day time. 4 hours a slept in a night is enough for me. Im so lucky that my boss send me to school from 3rd year high School until I graduated in college which is Bachelor of Science in Commerce major in Business Management.

In life, when yo are poor, that does not mean that you will never succeed. When you are poor, and you don't have anything to pay for your education,make an action & always put God as the center of your life.

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3 years ago
Topics: Write
