Baboons are large sized old-world monkey, sometimes appear in medium sizes. Baboons are mammals that are found in the Kingdom Animalia, placed in order of primates, and belong to the Cercoputhecidae family.
Baboons are omnivores in nature, feed on fruits, insect and seeds but are game or prey to Lions, Leopards, Wild dogs and Tigers.
Baboons are known for their huge physical appearance, big head and masculine physique.
Baboons can be found almost throughout Africa, especially in savannas, scrub, rocky deserts and thick rain forests.
Baboons live together in troops, both males and females together with their offspring.
This way of life enable the males to protect the females and the young ones from predators.
Without restrictions, baboons can breed anytime of the year with gestation period of 6 months and birth of one offspring at a time.
When the female is ready to mate, the strongest male of the subgroup steps up to mate with her.
Immediately after giving birth to a baby baboon, the baby baboon instantly holds onto its mother's fur.