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4 years ago

When we talk about education, what everyone thinks of is formal education where we all go to the four walls of a regular school and spend about 23 years of our lives learning about things you probably didn't choose to learn. Most parents would invest all their savings in a child's formal education which is good in its own way. But when those same kids would ask for just $100 to educate themselves on something that would really give them money and which would be learned just for about 2 years or less, compared to the 23 years of learning in the conventional school, the parents would call it a waste of money, and tell them to focus on their studies which has little probability of fetching them money.

We all should be able to make sure that people invest in anything education, especially education that actually brings money!! And not just conventional education that you're not sure if you have a future in that field. If your kid or brother or someone you know asks you for help to give them money to educate themselves on something other than conventional school, you should be excited to gibe because that's actually what would fetch them money in this times we're entering. The world is evolving. Knowledge gained by just conventional education would profit you almost nothing, invest in other kids of education that actually brings you money. I suggest you invest in digital education.

$ 0.53
$ 0.53 from @Telesfor
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Education is necessary but without knowledge, education is nothing

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Education is the backbone of the nation. Everyone should take education. If education is to improve life.

$ 0.00
4 years ago