Caught in the Middle

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It was 17th May 2o15, my birthday. As usual, I wasn't expecting any gift for my birthday because I'd don't usually get any. I was coming home from school that hot afternoon. I decided to walk home because it helps me clear my head. Normally, I'd have followed the straight road that leads to my house but I decided to follow another route that day, because I didn't wanna get home so early, there was nothing to get home to, just the usual afternoon chores and nap every afternoon.

While on the route I was taking, a voice called out "Joseph, wait up"!!. I could recognize Rachael's voice 5 blocks away. Rachael and I have been friends from grade 6, we lived on the same street and attended the same schools. But when we got to high school, we changed schools. She had to attend an only girl's school. Ever since, we haven't been that close. Did I mention she was my girlfriend's best friend?

I turned and looked at her a smile, then I stopped. We hugged and started talking.

"I can't help but remember today's your birthday"

"Yeah, buy its no big deal"

"Happy birthday",

"Thanks a lot". I was about to turn and leave but she stopped me.

" I have a gift for you" she said. My face was lit up, I hadn't received a birthday gift in years!! She could break the record, buy I just had to contain my emotions at that time. "A gift? Wow, what did you get me"?

"Close your eyes", she answered. I immediately closed my eyes and opened my hands in expectation to receive a gift. I don't know what happened next but few seconds later, our lips were locked in, I was caught up on the moment. Then it dawned on me, " she's my girlfriend's best friend "!!. I immediately withdrew and walked home as fast as I could.

I was caught in between two best friends already, what a great mistake.

If you were in the same situation like me, what would you have done?

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I like your post very much. You give such a good post. Which teaches us a lot. Really liked the post.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I will tell her friendship is ok for now

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Exactly what I said

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Its ur emotion....just tell her u couldn't control it

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Well, if I was in such a situation I would simply tell my girl friend about it as quick as I can... To avoid any other thoughts from creeping in

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Not until she hears the story from her own friend with some salt and other spices

$ 0.00
4 years ago

In my point of view, it is better to tell your girlfriend about it asap. If she have trust in you, she will believe but. But well, it's just my opinion.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I just hope Shell believe

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Friends can surprising at times you know.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Very surprising indeed.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

This point needs a lot of knowledge and understanding for us. I didn't know it, I read the post. I really liked it.

$ 0.00
4 years ago