What do you value more, transparency or privacy?

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2 years ago

How convenient is it to be anonymous?

I always wondered why secrecy is an essential attribute for the exercise of democracy when transparency is a crucial element to avoid corruption.

Yes, at least in the modern Western tradition, the idea that democracy is the best system of government has been sold. You will have heard the motto that characterizes it: The government of the people.

At least it sounds very inclusive by giving people supposed power to direct their destiny. Of course, I know by reference; that there are also societies that have never experienced such a system of government. Although being honest, I think not even the nation that presumes to be the example to follow is; because, in essence, it is a representative system, where few decide for the majority.

So in practice, we are all subject to the abuse of power by a few when they force us to do things we did not choose to do.

Source: Image by Leslie Andrachuk on Pixabay 

Well, my intention today is far from promoting a discussion on political theory. Nor philosophize about human nature in society. I only want to share some ideas that have been bothering me lately.

Yesterday I posted on noise.cash the following question:

What do you value more, transparency or privacy?

Something that I valued a lot when I fully entered the cryptographic spaces in the Blockchain is the transparency of transactions under apparent anonymity as the accounting ledger is public. Back then, I was fascinated to see the holdings and transactions of others like mine. No secrets.

However, bandits use these technologies for illicit and malicious operations, such as stealing crypto from people. Yes, even under anonymity, someone can finance businesses such as drug trafficking or white slavery, but tell me, how does it differ from the international monetary system? In fact, in the end, the funds are laundered in this one.

Moreover, privacy is considered a universal right by humanity for a reason. Imagine defecating in public! Well, maybe the example is out of place, a somewhat stinky resource. Hahaha

Is voting a private act? Pay for your goods and services with your crypto?

Who benefits in each case?

Well, it depends on the perspective and interests behind each scenario.

In the first case (obviously), the elites legitimize their permanence in power by manipulating the masses. You did think that the rulers are put by you. They deceive you

How many times have you heard about electoral fraud? Tell me, how many appeals prosper? Yes, there is a compromise for this to happen like this.

In the second case, responding requires establishing that pure crypto does not need intermediaries to complete the transaction; A direct negotiation.

Of course, both parties gain by trusting the trust algorithm and not on the decision or regulation of a third party.

The problem is that the transaction is public and can be traced by a stakeholder to the government, who, sooner rather than later, will get their hands on taxes.

I am not against the purpose of taxes, only with their mismanagement and their use for warmongering or arms purposes.

Sure, it is undeniable that today's world is dangerous. Well, it was always like that. The old Latin phrase that man is the wolf of man persists. So employing security-based privacy measures is not unreasonable. Someone who finds a wallet full of cash; Rarely returns it.

Also, you will agree with me; there has been an increase in the capacity of the surveillance state: Every day more intrusive and restrictive based on the argument of the common good.

Yes, there is nothing wrong with being transparent. The crucial issue is to whom one must be transparent. In the past, I trusted state institutions.

Unfortunately, the reality is full of disastrous stories of abuse from those who, in theory, should defend you.

Source: Image by Sergei Tokmakov Terms.Law on Pixabay 

Closing thought

I am convinced that people need to balance transparency and privacy with effective anonymity management.

Also, you will have heard about the goal of forming the new man. Well, in this sense, social architects repeatedly fail. Perhaps, I am delusionally connecting these general ideas with the world of the recent crypto society. I see a temporary easing of the elites' influence over us with the entry into the scene of a dictatorship of code. Perhaps, Platon is right. And real democracy is the worst form of government.

Some say that recovering the original condition lost in Eden is the solution. Someday it will be. While this is happening, man must exhaust his efforts working within himself, strengthening human values ​​based on love for others and himself.

For now, let's bet the developers do the right thing and make code more resistant to censorship from the elites who enslave us without many noticing.

An original article by @Jnavedan

The thumbnail by vicky gharat on Pixabay 

I end by thanking all my colleagues in the community, who add value every day here. As well as all my sponsors for believing in the content I share with you.

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2 years ago


Actually, I am obsessed with private and hiding my identity. However, I somehow changed my perspective that when it comes to jobs (like being a writer) I can share myself but not the whole me.

I think it depends on the situation, just being careful everytime especially in virtual world. Agree with you that it should be balanced.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, privacy is highly valued for certain modesty-related activities.

I too am very concerned, especially when the invasion of privacy by governments and corporations threatens freedoms.

In this sense, it is essential to seek means to protect it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If it's in a business or election, I really need transparency but they always fail to show it especially to running candidates!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If it's in a business or election, I really need transparency but they always fail to show it especially to running candidates!

Hello, my friend,

Transparency is fundamental to avoid deception or fraud, not only in electoral events but also in interpersonal relationships.

Of course, we must consider the socially accepted limits, where privacy comes into play.


$ 0.00
2 years ago