The preparation behind improvisation

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2 years ago

Days ago, I read an interesting article on about improvisation that got me thinking about it.

I will not retrace my steps to write mine. So I will only try to develop my ideas starting from the vague memories that I keep of the magnificent paragraphs of the author on that occasion.

Most have fragile memories, and I am no exception. However, in some unconscious way, one keeps a version of reality and the concepts of others that it integrates into thought.

In my opinion, the best improvisation rests in the previous preparation. And so I let you know in the comment thread of the article.

Source: Image by Kevin Phillips on Pixabay 

Well, at first, such a statement seems absurd. If you prepare, then where is the improvisation? Hahaha

He was very kind and with elegant prose. He explained from the dictionary why prior preparation does not fit improvisation.

In part, I have to agree with him. Perhaps I should have been more explicit in expressing the type of preparation I had in mind. People are not fortune-tellers, and maybe I was a little short on the sentence and probably very clumsy.

Well, I appreciate his intention and concern. It is what I like about the writers on this great platform. I don't doubt that there will be some toxics. But fortunately, we have not stumbled on the way yet.

When I stated that preparation is the foundation of improvisation, I had in mind musical creation; Which is not so different from eloquence in writing or when delivering a speech.

Source: Image by Tumisu on Pixabay 

Having ease in speaking or writing comes from a lot of previous practice. Imagine yourself in front of a piano trying to improvise a melody for the first time.

Yes, there are people with fantastic and inexplicable natural abilities whom we call geniuses and precocious. Unless you are one of them, you will not have to walk the obstacle course like me to obtain mediocre results.

Before you pity my low self-esteem, let me clarify that when I indicate mediocre results, I mean a frequent measure, that is, within the average as pointed out by a wise Argentine from the last century.

Let us consider the example of the pianist as an analogy in my thesis on the preparation of improvisation. After much practice and study, the pianist arrives at the right moment when he interprets unpublished works with naturalness and a certain virtuosity due to the skills acquired in the process.

Source: Image by Shlomaster on Pixabay 

It also happens when one develops the interpersonal and social skills required for success. You will not have insurmountable problems with any commitment that arises suddenly.

Someone could argue against this perspective, an apparent undermining of creativity. And I do not doubt the validity of the objection either.

To get rid of the objection, I could improvise and cling to the saying of a great inventor, who said, "genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration."

I think it's an excellent point to improvise on this in a new post.

An original article by @Jnavedan

Cover image by Gerd Altmann on Pixabay 

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2 years ago


I agree with you. It is 1:99%. When it comes to music, 5% is talent and 95% hard work.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I agree with you. It is 1:99%. When it comes to music, 5% is talent and 95% hard work.

Yes, talent is necessary to be a musician. I have seen many who try unsuccessfully to play an instrument. I pity them, they are musical deaf.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are absolutely right; however much it sounds like a paradox, improvisation requires a lot of preparation. The skills and feeling required for, for instance, improvised music, comes from years of hard practice.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's right, my friend. It is a pity that many today disdain this open secret for immediacy. Well, as the old saying goes, "... there is nothing new under the sun ..." Greetings.

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2 years ago