The art of living by writing

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1 year ago

Write, just write and be happy!

Today for me, is a date to remember twice over. Yes, I know you share my passion for reading, and I enjoy writing for you.

In 2019 I started my journey as a blogger in the crypto communities navigating new digital and virtual spaces.

Now, I'll be honest with you. Initially, the motivation for writing was to get monetary payback in crypto and supplement money to defray daily expenses.

Sometimes, I ask myself, what am I doing here?

Yes, I still need the tips, but the flame for saying or commenting on things has long been deep inside me.

Perhaps, I was just a writer who needed a reason to escape the prison of routine.

As I look at the library in the living room crammed with books and reminisce about the deepened paths, I ask myself, what do I do with this?

Undoubtedly, writing is a way to mobilize knowledge, even if it is sifting through conflicting paradigms.

Besides, there is nothing like feeling useful when putting perspectives and approaches on current events on the readers' tables.

I guess! Another question that worries an amateur writer like you and me is whether one writes for someone or alone words and ideas are thrown into the void.

Hence, some bloggers strive to find a niche and master SEO to tame the ranking algorithms of the major browsers.

It seems reasonable to find the best showcase on the roadside to exhibit the gems to those who want them.

By the way, I saw a video today critical of how Instagram is losing the war for attention against TikTok.

I don't know about you, but I'm not a big fan of short videos of funny dances that are trending, nor the characterizations that abound in these media.

I understand the entertainment thing, but I don't justify the absurd way to waste your life spending time on these.

Someone could say to us, "you waste efforts on writing, an obsolete art that will soon yield to the explosion of the moving image."

I wonder, and you should wonder too, are they right?

Do I think with words or with moving images?

Without a doubt, images and sounds flit naturally the mind to make sense of our perception.

And words, written or spoken, are an impressive artifice of human ingenuity that encapsulates rational and sensory experience and gives free rein to the imagination.

So, I think it will not yield so easily unless it evolves into a form of telepathy.

In that sense, you can feel safe and write what you want and where you can still do it freely.

Perhaps, censorship is the biggest obstacle one can face as an independent writer. I only hope sites to exercise responsible and respectful freedom of expression for others will grow.

In the meantime, enjoy writing and reading without worrying about the number of subscribers or occasional views. Write with passion about your actions and convictions, and enjoy every comment, no matter how critical it may be.

There will always be someone (out there) who wants to listen to you if you say something interesting or relevant.

And just in case, for some reason, they don't want you somewhere. No problem, take your muse and go somewhere else.


Last night, I dreamed of smashing an old typewriter (like the one shown in the thumbnail in this article) with my bare hands.

I don't know what it means, but I guess it has something to do with this article. Perhaps, it is only the expression of a fear kept in my subconscious, and it was resolved at the end of this article.

Only God knows!

An original article by @Jnavedan

The thumbnail by  Deephoto on Pixabay

Cover image by  Rahmat Damanik on Pixabay 

I end by thanking all my colleagues in the community, who add value every day here. As well as all my sponsors for believing in the content I share with you.

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Avatar for Jnavedan
1 year ago


Writing is a very noble and interesting profession, either you write blogs or book or journal but it is, so far you have been writing good. Rather wasting time on TikTok or other such platforms writing or reading is the best, it can improve you knowledge, information and keeps you up to dated. Thank you for such a great article

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Writing is a very noble and interesting profession, either you write blogs or book or journal but it is, so far you have been writing good. Rather wasting time on TikTok or other such platforms writing or reading is the best, it can improve you knowledge, information and keeps you up to dated. Thank you for such a great article

Hello, my friend.

Yes, reading and writing are excellent ways to live beyond doing it as a trade or profession, it's a way to enjoy your inner world and showcase it.

You know! To believe that people think these days; it's a bit overrated. It seems to me that emotion and escapes dominate the existence of many, and that's why platforms like TikTok are so successful.

Whoever is able to read and write critically at least has a glimmer of freedom.

Thank you for your kind comment.


$ 0.00
1 year ago

To be honest I don't like wasting my time in TikTok rather reading and writing or computer work. Those people have time for eating in such platforms but for study, reading and writing....

$ 0.00
1 year ago

The world is just one large prison filled with people who are made to believe that they have choices and and freedom. But for the best part we're all kind of programmed by our society, traditions and religion to behave in a particular way and some people just follow the system and call it adaptation.

At the end of the day we can only try to elevate our subconscious beyond trivialities with the right words not weird dance steps.

So keep on writing and I'll keep on writing

$ 0.00
1 year ago

The world is just one large prison filled with people who are made to believe that they have choices and and freedom. But for the best part we're all kind of programmed by our society, traditions and religion to behave in a particular way and some people just follow the system and call it adaptation.

At the end of the day we can only try to elevate our subconscious beyond trivialities with the right words not weird dance steps.

So keep on writing and I'll keep on writing

Hello, my friend.

I think you are right. Yes, we live under a system of domination that makes us believe we are free, but in reality we are not.

So, I will follow your advice, and write as much as I can.

Thought, even if manipulated, can always express itself freely if it sets its mind to it. Of course, there will always be those who want to censor it, but that does not mean that one should give up freedom.

I hope that you too will persist in writing and dream of being free in doing so.


$ 0.00
1 year ago

I'll definitely persist. It's a breathe of fresh air and a huge encouragement to find people who still believe in the art of writing in a world frenzied by motion.

So yes again, I'll keep on writing

$ 0.00
1 year ago

My friend, it's not time yet to smash the typewriter, there are still words unheard that needs to be said, and there are still a lot of people who crave for right information be it on this platform or anywhere else. I wouldn't spare a minute to watching meaningless dancing on TikTok over reading a quality piece of article, neither will I give in to the pressure of dropping my typewriter because of low engagements and tips. I know it's hard to deal with when you are making a living from writing, yet, I will still choose writing over others.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

My friend, it's not time yet to smash the typewriter, there are still words unheard that needs to be said, and there are still a lot of people who crave for right information be it on this platform or anywhere else. I wouldn't spare a minute to watching meaningless dancing on TikTok over reading a quality piece of article, neither will I give in to the pressure of dropping my typewriter because of low engagements and tips. I know it's hard to deal with when you are making a living from writing, yet, I will still choose writing over others.

Hello, my dear friend.

I agree with you that there are still many things to say in this crazy world we have today.

On the other hand, like you, I will continue to write no matter if the tips go down. is a great place to blog.

So for now, my writing machine will remain intact.


$ 0.00
1 year ago

Nicely said. There will always be a space for reading and writing.

Unlike visual acts, reading someone's honest writing lets you into the mind of another human being. Also, I find that writing helps me reorganise and iron out chaotic thoughts in my mind.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Nicely said. There will always be a space for reading and writing.

Unlike visual acts, reading someone's honest writing lets you into the mind of another human being. Also, I find that writing helps me reorganise and iron out chaotic thoughts in my mind.

Hello, my friend.

Yes, I hadn't thought of it that way, but you are so right.

Being able to connect with another way of thinking is very stimulating, and like you, writing for me is a great way to catharsis.

Bringing order out of chaos helps us stay sane.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Blogging became part of my routine, I want to pursue it... looking for a long term success.

Do you have a website?

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hello, my friend.

I congratulate you for making blogging a healthy routine.

On the other hand, I am recently resuming my facet as a programmer and in that sense, I am updating myself in HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

So, maybe soon I will launch a personal website.

I'm not in a hurry, I just want to have fun in the process and keep my mind lubricated.

I think I read in some of your posts, that you want to develop a website.

Some services like Wix or WordPress would help you create a great but standard site. Only by learning the basics can one create something that satisfies and you have fun simultaneously.

So I recommend you consider this option.


$ 0.00
1 year ago

There is hardly any freedom in the mainstream world. The Internet is a part of that totalitarian world. Technological innovation may give some way outs. The Crypto world seems to promote freedom to sell its products. Even there, most probably, the top 0.1 percent of crypto holders own above 90 percent of the crypto asset. Can totalitarianism be eradicated!? Probably not.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

There is hardly any freedom in the mainstream world. The Internet is a part of that totalitarian world. Technological innovation may give some way outs. The Crypto world seems to promote freedom to sell its products. Even there, most probably, the top 0.1 percent of crypto holders own above 90 percent of the crypto asset. Can totalitarianism be eradicated!? Probably not.

Hello, my friend.

I agree with you. We are in a totalitarian system, a sort of combination between 1984 and Brave New World.

However, we still have the ability to think and operate in the minimal spaces within the web.

Logic indicates that one should escape from the system, but it becomes more difficult with each passing day.


$ 0.00
1 year ago