Blackout. Will there be more than a technological threat on social media?

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3 years ago

October 4, 2021

Today the most significant event, at least in the media, was the fall of the social networks associated with the Facebook group, such as WhatApps and Instagram.

Hundreds of millions of people were cut off around the planet. I suppose the monetary losses were great both for those platforms and for those who use them as channels to prosper their businesses.

At the time I just write this article, the causes of such a failure have not yet been revealed, and insurance rumors will have spread on other networks on the internet about the causes, raising fears of a probable internet blackout.

The effects of an eventual collapse of the Web infrastructure would be catastrophic for today's interconnected world. The logistics, communications, and financial systems are supported by the internet. So, a fall in this would generate the paralysis of the entire supply chain of goods and services.

Source: Image by postcardtrip on Pixabay 

There was recently a drill under the auspices of the World Economic Forum called Cyber ​​Polygon, the purpose of which was to assess a potential cyber attack on global infrastructure.

By establishing a hypothetical correlation, today's event should set off alarms. Matches or simulations in real-time? Who knows.

Outside of speculation, those who depend on these centralized media were left out for long hours.

In addition, those who are captured by social networks must have felt an increase in stress due to not being able to communicate with their loved ones, or seeing the sales of their online businesses paralyzed based on Facebook applications.

Of course, there are other alternative means such as, or Telegram to reestablish communication, but let's not be naive, these can also collapse if a group of cyber attackers proposed it, as the World Economic Forum raises in the initiative of the Cyber ​​Polygon.

I wonder, who is the most interested in this happening?

There are also several situations developing around the most thriving economies on the planet that give a lot to think about or worry about.

For many years the Preppers justified their actions in the imminent downfall of the system. Hundreds of dystopian films recreate terrifying environments that until the arrival of Covid19 were unthinkable could happen.

In December 2019, who would imagine that a few months later the mandatory use of a mask would be required to walk on the streets. Closure of entire cities and isolation measures. As well as a global mass vaccination campaign.

Source: Image by Michael Hofmann on Pixabay 

Regardless of what you think about the health threat, is it real or fictional? People die being associated with the pandemic, freedoms are being more restricted under the pretext of the common good.

And now, a digital threat appears to undermine not only the space for free speech. Well, a manipulated field where subtle or direct censorship is exercised by large technology corporations.

Perhaps, the goal is to tame Web 3.0 that is built based on decentralization provided by technologies related to Blockchain, and that impacts new emerging forms and models of finance in an economy that threatens the status quo.

Think for a moment about how you will face the food shortage, artificial or systemic, that begins to manifest itself in countries with the United Kingdom and that could spread to other parts of the world due to a decrease in maritime Containers.

Source: Image by Joachim Schnürle on Pixabay

As if that were not enough, add to the situation indicated also a drastic decrease in the production of microprocessors due to natural adverse conditions such as the drought in Taiwan, or the growing geopolitical tensions that prevent the free flow of materials for the technology sector between China and the United States.

Yes, there are many diverse factors and interests united by the technological age that can create a more adverse reality than we can imagine.

Older people have listened to these warnings for many years, and young people will have seen it as fiction in the series on their smartphones, but today, the threat becomes very real.

It is difficult for one to imagine what could happen, although the pages of history point to hecatombs and holocausts that make the skin crawl.

To make matters worse, the aberrant and violent images that run through social networks today, temporarily collapsed, have cauterized in many any astonishment, until they see them with relative normality and morbidity.

Yes, today's world is crazier than ever and we live in it. I hope that the synderesis returns in each one of us, well, if we ever had it.

An original article by @Jnavedan

Cover image by AzamKamolov on Pixabay 

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3 years ago


I find interesting your appreciation about the fall of some social networks. Technology has completely taken over the world. Nowadays everything in our environment is managed under technological network. Today's generation lives by social networks. Take away a cell phone or a computer from a young person and you are taking away his life. This is not an exaggeration of mine, it is a reality of today. There is a powerful emotional attachment, a very powerful dependency. And it is as you say, the financial and production world would go to chaos without the Internet. total and destructive chaos. Interesting, food for thought.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I started the day and could not send or receive anything on WhatsApp. What's going on? My whole family calling me on the phone. Communication by that means had dropped. Entering the internet and seeing hundreds of memes mocking WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram was instantaneous. In the end, the great beneficiary was Telegram with some 50 million new users.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I started the day and could not send or receive anything on WhatsApp. What's going on? My whole family calling me on the phone. Communication by that means had dropped. Entering the internet and seeing hundreds of memes mocking WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram was instantaneous. In the end, the great beneficiary was Telegram with some 50 million new users.

Hi, my friend,

Well, yes, you are very right. One of the beneficiaries was Telegram. Now, it would also be necessary to continue wondering about the causes of the suspension of services.

Over there are rumors of supposed concealment. Well, on these events there will always be comments for or against, while we are spectators.

$ 0.00
3 years ago