Begging, child beggers.

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Written by
2 years ago

Beggers are the people who asks other for money or food.Increasing rate of beggers are probably due to illitracy, unawareness, poverty, unemployment, handicapped, increased age and others.

It is very heartbreaking to see them begging others for something. There are children who should be in schools but instead they are on streets bare footed and sleeping on streets.

I saw a little girl yesterday laying on the floor in front of a shop and believe me she was sleeping there as she has no fear of sleeping there and she was taking a good nap. But believe me it was so heart breaking to see her. A mental attack.

Let me share another incident

Again i was outside and a child came by and he was well dressed.He was not begger. He was selling the chains and there were very few chains in his hand. So i ask him about his family,his school whether he was studying or not. So he told me that he is reading in school but i dont have fees to pay my mom stitch clothes and i usually do the same but today my teacher said that this is last warning and if you dont pay i will not let you come again. So help me. I asked about his father and he said that he is paralysed. So i helped him.

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Written by
2 years ago
