My Downfall

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Avatar for Jin0229
4 weeks ago

Please bear with me ...

I'll tell you my story...

I never thought I will come to this time of my life where I will depend to my parents at the age of 40. Shameful I may seem but I have to bite my pride.

I lost all of my savings to a bank scammers. Where my friends savings and my savings is in just one account. My friends trusted me. So when the time they're going to withdraw their savings, I've got nothing. I am pregnant by that time (which I prayed for so long after losing my first child inside my womb).

I don't have a choice but to get a loan with that huge amount. Even if the interest is too high, I grabbed it because I don't wanna lose my second baby to my stress. It's for me not to get stressed and to avoid thinking too much.

After that, I asked for an early leave from my work because of my history of pre-eclampsia.

Thank God, for that early leave. Because at 7 moths (32 weeks) I have to give birth to my long awaited baby🩵

But before that I was brought to the ICU due to my heart skip beat. While at the ICU, I suffered from smelly fluid leakage So they rushed me to the operating room for urgent surgery. The doctor said, due to my heart condition I might not be able to make it. But their going to try their best to make my baby live. So it's up to me whether I live or not.

Here I am breathing. But still, I stayed at the ICU for almost 2 weeks for several tests. But they found nothing. And my baby stayed at NICU. We stayed at the hospital for more than a month because my baby needs to gain weight and he was supported by the Oxygen.

My baby is a fighter. He was diagnosed with G6pD in his new born screening. He also has ROP . So we did a confirmatory test. And weekly checkup for his ROP. Thank God it regressed.

I've been very busy and my mind been busy. I couldn't come back to work because I have no one to ask to look after my baby.

The reason why I've been jobless. And the worst part, my loan is already forwarded to the collection team. I have to pay the whole amount. Or else their going to summon me for judicial hearing. I am jobless, I am penniless. My family is not rich to cover up the trouble I made.

Despite what happened to me and what I am going through, I still want to move forward. Because I have the greatest gift, My Baby 🩵. Just hoping and keep on praying that everything's gonna be okay. And I will be free from this pit hole. And finally can say "I won this battle."

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Avatar for Jin0229
4 weeks ago


sorry to hear what you are going through. Life is hard and I am glad to hear you want to go through everything. well, I guess everything has solutions and I hope you'll find yours with your problems. keep safe!

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4 weeks ago

Thank you so much.

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4 weeks ago