Bitcoin Cash The Road l Go Through

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3 years ago

Some define bitcoin cash as the original crypto. Other as the most suitable investment.

But My own definition is as follow : bitcoin cash is the road l go through. And in actuality it is .

Bitcoin cash is the basic component for such a person like me to make a success in that life.

My love for Bitcoin cash supporters to write these lines.

That lines l wrote from Heart for the sake of bitcoin cash .. Yes that currency become a good reason that l can understand the world better.

As l am breathing bitcoin cash when l want to have motivation refilled.

Grateful to bitcoin cash , sometimes l felt down Without reason but all done With bitcoin cash now

But that words not only for being Grateful for Bitcoin cash but also to underline the road that l want to cross : the bitcoin cash road. Why l want that exactly , l need to take action fast And build my life with bitcoin. Cash .

That feeling l feel more than anytime before , l have a chance called bitcoin cash .

I Need to Study Bitcoin Cash in Depth

Being practical is more effective than theory. And l want to apply that rule when it comes to study bitcoin cash.

I have worked and being active in the platform for more than one month.

I have knew many bitcoin cash enthusiasts but only virtually and that what makes me sad. I want to be near to them and see how they are doing . l can mention tiredmomma , Telesfor and other.

Also bitcoin cash investors . The most known are Roger Ver and Marc de mesel.

But what mean by studying bitcoin cash is for example if l don't meet an investor as Roger ver or Marc de mesel personally , it cannot be an achievement. So My aim from now is to cross the road of bitcoin cash and meet personally those l love to grasp the bitcoin cash knowledge from its real source and just info from net.

What l want is that l go in depth and experience bitcoin cash in real life not virtual one.

My Bitcoin Cash True Plan

Every thing l plan from now is for bitcoin cash development in the crypto system.

As a BCH enthusiast , l want to show my love for bitcoin cash through action.

I have a deeper feeling that bitcoin cash team from developer , investors and so on , need me for adding value to bitcoin cash.

My plan is becoming a bitcoin cash investor in Antigua. The minimum investment start from 100,000 € . l know it' s huge but it can happen.

I want to sacrifice and take risk for the sake of bitcoin cash. I always want to buy asset , buildings or any with bitcoin cash and l think that the opportunity is available now.

You will have citizienship , launch your project and enjoy your financial freedom with bitcoin cash.

On the other side , when l become an investor , l can support bitcoin cash Without stop and increase its value on the crypto system.


From that moment , l want to be a pragmatic Guy . My dream is to be a bitcoin cash investor who can share his blessing with needy people.

I want to show for sure. To all BCH investors what l can do for bitcoin cash development.

I recognize that after a lot of effort and hard work that bitcoin cash is the right road l should go through.

Every thing l plan from now is for bitcoin cash development in the crypto system.

As a BCH enthusiast , l want to show my love for bitcoin cash through action.

I have a deeper feeling that bitcoin financial freedom with bitcoin cash.

On the other side , when l become an investor , l can support bitcoin cash Without stop and increase its value on the crypto system.

I will not give up and when there is a crypto as bitcoin cash , l admit that there is a way.

I will not give up because bitcoin cash is the only road l can go through.

$ 0.04
$ 0.04 from @Constant1995
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Written by
3 years ago



$ 0.00
3 years ago

I also agree that being practical with Crypto currency is much more effective than theory 👌

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hi good article

$ 0.00
3 years ago