Bitcoin Cash Success And Its Development Is Possible

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Written by
3 years ago

We consider bitcoin cash as an investment tool which can contribute social and economical prosperity. And we see it too as continuous cooperative work for serving people around the world and planting the first seeds of love , passion and support between different members of society.

We are grateful for Bitcoin Cash Supporters

Yes we are grateful for the great sacrifice that Roger ver , first bitcoin cash investor with help of real men as Marc de mesel and Kimdotcom , in order to free world from poverty to prosperity. We respect that effort that was put from 2017 till now . With full faith and confidence, our duty is to continue working on bitcoin cash and to put all effort and time needed to increase its develoment around the whole globe.

Based on Roger ver road map , we will help as more as we can and take our resonsability seriously because bitcoin cash is peace , protection and development for the whole globe and especially developing world which suffer.

Yes Bitcoin cash is our responsability and all BCH community from little worker to big investor.

For Bitcoin Cash Lovers and Believers

We reach awareness that let us Building projects under that Currency. CLUB1BCH is one of these for providing good reasons to increase the value of BCH . We need in this century a strong generation that stand for bitcoin cash . There is no other option because because fellow worker on readcash , noise cash or any other BCH project . You have the right to live a decent life and to have a strong currency to get your needs and live peacefully in this world.

We want bitcoin cash not only stronger than bitcoin  but also legally accepted among all political parties . We want equality and freedom to achieve our dream and making bitcoin cash the most popular currency .

Also we will be keen on  building  stronger relationship with miners and trying to launch more bitcoin cash firms than btc itself.

There is no way for accepting failure and letting our loved currency down. Bitcoin cash need to be back to the top ten in market cap.

My PLan with Bitcoin Cash :

  • Labor force getting paid with bitcoin cash and opportunities for employment.

  • Bitcoin cash universities and opening more chances for studens success

  • Research and innovation of bitcoin cash to fight the coming challenges

  • Suitable place to build digital economy based on bitcoin cash

  • More prosperity for those who need it through charity

  • Banking and financial developed system to free bitcoin cash fully

  • Modern agriculture and better income for farmer

  • More beautiful and green spaces for protection environment ( kimdotcom plant the first seed of this idea)

  • More Youth get involved and build his future based on bitcoin cash

  • Politicians to get involved in bitcoin cash development

Development Bitcoin Cash

This currency is preparing to go the moon and it is on the way of development . Many  people that their financial bank or currency weak , depend on it and bitcoin cash meetups are increasing year after year. Also , we have seen bitcoin cash project in envirnoment protection to provide best climate for humanity.

Roberto Garcias and his great support for citizens in Venuzuela and youth who want to launch a business and accept bitcoin cash as payment method .

Bitcoin cash compaign for solving issue of hunger and famine in poor and exploited countries .

Kim dotcom and his website why bitcoin cash to increase awareness of people who eager to know more about that currency. Highlights clearly the concept and goals of BCH for future generation.


No doubt that bitcoin cash is a noble letter based on free economy and passion among people from different races for peace and economical prosperity. I renew gratitude for all efforts made from 2017 till now of different projects which achieve ambition of different people among the globe. Then I take oppotunity to thank Marc de Mesel for  his unlimited support and clear faithful vision towards improving bitcoin cash . Till this monent , we achieve lots of achievements that touch the life of people in a positively.

During all this period , the work for bitcoin cash was characterized by cooperation between all to show the positive impact of the real bitcoin " bitcoin Cash ".

Last words

We all love bitcoin cash for many reasons but working for it is different.Thus requires lots of efforts including finance to do more research in depth specially in mining .

Also financing developers who can add value to bitcoin cash.

And personally , bitcoin cash is my passion but hate being stuck in theory. I want to be realistic and turn BCH as living reality for my region in short term and for the world in a long term.

All this mentioned and we have faith in our BCH supporters worth mentioning marc de mesel and Roger ver to provide the best ways to carry on our noble mission which is working on bitcoin cash development and success.

$ 2.85
$ 2.84 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @cmoneyspinner
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Written by
3 years ago



$ 0.00
3 years ago