Alone on valentine's day with these thoughts...

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Relationship

Okay first of all, I am in a relationship, but it's a long distance one. A lot of people think that it wouldn't work out but I've been proving them wrong for more than 4 years.

A long distance relationship is hard, hardly any physical intimacy, last year I only got to meet up with her on December. It's hard but worth it, lots of people asked me how I can stomach that kind of distance, how I can commit to her when there were other girls that got attracted to me nearby and how do I know she's loyal. It all boils down to trust, and yeah not the best answer and at some point if she ever gets tired of this relationship and wants to cheat on me there's nothing I can do, trust doesn't ensure that you'd have a long lasting relationship. At the end of the day trust is something you can give to someone, and it's their choice if they want to destroy it.

I wasn't always trusting to be honest, at the first 2 years of our relationship I was very.... distrustful. I always overthink stuff, think that she's doing this and that and overall not trust her in any way. But I grew, I knew that it wasn't healthy, for me and for the relationship. You have to love your partner and love yourself, otherwise that relationship wouldn't work it would always end up with one of you being hurt. A relationship with someone should help you grow as a person and drive you to be better in all aspects of your life.

Love is very complicated, because not everyone experience it the same way, everyone deserves to be loved and cared for, so that they can grow to be better. Never stay in a relationship that always brings out the worst in you, of course you'd have bad days and show that side of you but if you have someone that accepts that side of you and helps you out of it keep her, trust her and always be there for her because if she can be there at your worst then she would be with you for your entire life.

Hope you all have someone to love and care for you for every single day of your lives.

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$ 1.62 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for Jiksu
Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Relationship


Yes, that is true. We should not dwell on others judgments. You should keep trusting your girl because that is the good thing to do. Keep communicating as well to make your relationship more stronger.

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2 years ago