World's Most Underrated Problem: Trash part 1

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3 years ago

Our world is full of many problems. People are very careful about many problems like greenhouse, soil, air pollution etc. But least people are concerned about trash.

It's human nature to abuse the facilities we get. We have cut down the forests, made lots of vehicles, brick fields, throwing trash here and there to pollute the whole world. People are taking many steps to clear air, purify water. But trash problem are bigger than you think. Lets have a overviewof how trash is not only causing problems to our world but also it's having a negative impact on space too.

Main main problem of trash are perpetual strench and it's a very suitable place for micro organisms to grow. They grow there, breakdown the chemical inside the trash and the outcome is nasty smell. So it's polluting the air. The rate of using plastic are increasing too. People generally use polybags to throw away the trash and also throw plastic packets, bottles. A estimate says that people throw away 1 million plastic bags in every minutes and only American throw away 5 million plastic bottles in every 5 minutes. So just think what is happening around this world. All know that plastic bags are very harmful for both soils and air. They don't decay and releases some free radicles that pollute them and they are also carcinogenic.

Most industries are built on the edge of river bank and they throw away the hazardous trash into water. No wonder the waterbodis are polluting more and water creatures are vanishing.

Some are thinking we are safe now, doesn't matter if we live happily. But are you living a healthy life. Water creatures aeat the plastics and hazardous chemicals and they go into our body and causes many health issue. No wonder why the cancer is more acute from before now.

Funny thing is, we throw so much trash here and there that there are a land of trash in the Pacific ocean that is completly created by people and it's size is twice the size of USA. It's estimated to weighed 100 million tons and growing rapidy everyday.

It pollutes the water, makes it carcinogenic and it directly effect the production of phytoplankton, zooplankton and also the sea weeds. When you have no food, you need to eat something to survive and eventually they die after eating the trash. Even if they survive, we eat them and the effect is directly on us. Many sea turtles die, suffer. See the video if you can endure it totally.

Now only water creaturs, but also the avis are dying and also having impact on people. The trash size is huge and we need to come up with a plan to clear it.

Another new problem here is the throwing of mask here and there. People are throwing mask. But coming up with a beautiful idea can change the world. I saw it yesterday and I found it very creative.

More and less, we have the capability to think and make a solution out of nowhere and I hope we will be able to come up with a plan. But as a human being, we are superior amd we need to remember that great power comes with great responsibility. Hope all will keep it in mind.

Short time. I will publish part 2 tomorrow. Have a good day.

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Written by
3 years ago


People are not concerned about trash. If that was the case we wouldn't buy so much stuff wrapped three times or more, wouldn't waste what we have, and dump trash on the street or their bags where I live. People do not care either does the government. The mountain of trash only increased. It would be a great start if all the factories would stop with their wrapping and packing, the plastic.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

When humans can't differentiate what's useful from trash and the upcycling thing is basically just a one time big time sort of idea but it doesn't really solve anything and that's the sad part. I haven't seen that mask planter yet but looks like a good way to grow herbs

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes, we need big time idea.. still posted the pic here thinking some may find it encouraging and use the idea actually. I didn't study about any big time solution here. But space trash, part 2.. it has some solution. Nations are in talk. They care space and mars more than earth😂😂😂

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I'd try that idea when i find a way to plant in the dorm. I just want free herbs :"( Ahh the terraforming idea is their main concern that they're prioritizing nars so much lol

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3 years ago