Everyone knows that human are different than animals. Because we have an improved brain, we can do bunch of stuffs too. Many of us actually can't answer promptly if this question poop out if nowhere.
Researchers are trying harder to find the main differences from others. I mean what actually makes us Human. The more we research animal intelligence and behaviour, the more we see that we are not so different. It may take a while for you to come up with a reasonable point to say human are different. But researchers are finding it really tough why we are different actually. We all have brains but what's that particular one.
At one time, people thought it's the communication. Humans communicate with a complex system, like all have different language and many words but all we see from a animal is a particular sound. They are just confined with it. But research into chimpanzees, dolphin, bees, prairie dogs found that they are also capable of communicate with complex language. My personal opinion is that they have a there's something with the frequency of their sound and and we can't detect that and that's why all the sounds of a species seems similar to us. So, we are not so different in this sector.
Then people thought that we are different in using some tools and traps and taking advantage of many situations. But turned out, some animals also use some techniques to make their life more easy. Like chimps use rocks and stones as tools, dolphins use ring of mud as tools.
So, actually most of the species are capable f taking advantage of their surroundings. You have heard of crows. They use city traffic as nut cracker. They drop the nuts on the shel and the running traffics break the shells and they collect nuts later. So it can't be a reason too.
Some a think kindness, love for other species can be a part too. But it's a fact too. Many rare examples of a animal taking care of other species is also seen. Sometimes they can be kind too towards other species.
So, what actually is the difference apart from the improved brain. The question is what actually the brain has the extra function? The main difference is, we are able to plan our future, imagine beautiful things too. It's not even remembering the past because many animal can remember the love of owner and also can remember trauma. But they can't expect any outcome. But we can imagine and our through is complex. This power of imagination gives is more space to improvise our skill. We have thrust to see the unseen and know the unknown. But no other animal has this kind of ability. It's the basic. If you can't imagine, you have the thrust and then you won't improvise and you will remain in your place. Most animal instincts are innate just to survive though the extreme competition. But the don't generate any new technics during lifetime. That's why most of the animal just evolve physically, not mentally. We have a complex thinking ability that makes us superior to all other animals.
One more thing came to my mind. We have moral virtues. We can choose between right and write and this part actually makes us human. There are many more moral values like truthfulness, honesty, being helpful, sincere and other things. Though they show kindness sometimes but others are not seen in them. Though that kindness part is very very rare as I said so. So these are one of the most important values that makes a big difference. We are not instinctive in case of these matter. We have the choice to choose between right way and wrong ways.
Remember, here I didn't talk about the physical differences. I talked about the thought based topic. If you want to know physical changes, there are plenty of them like Human-specific cells in striatum and so on.
I am gonna end here. I am not gonna say we are lucky that we are human. Because God sent us to see how we use these abilities and in most cases we fail. But it's up to you whether you will respect you ability and use them in the right way, to bring prosperity to this world or create more and more problems and disappointments in this society. That's all for today.
The communication part is everything to be thankful for in being human but there's also the functionality of an aposable thumbs and i think animals think about their futures too, specially those who have been taught and trained