We are Foodies Part 1

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Written by
2 years ago

I want to start with information👉 I am not fatso😛

I posted about coming to capital couple of days ago. My exams are over and I came here to meet my friends and receive my laptop which I gave for servicing. Gladly, the laptop is okay now. I was so worried about my laptop. Another reason of coming here is fooooooddddddd.😗😗

Whenever I come to capital, I try the fast foods of capital. Because the fast food in the city I live in is not up to mark. Plus overpriced. Why should I waste extra money to have food that's not up to the mark. So, I save money whenever I come to capital. At least 18$ cz you can eat for 3 times for 3 whole days with it in restaurant. I guess Bangladesh is cheap😛.

But my main concern is trying new food. Try the item that I didn't taste of a new restaurant and then we vote on which is the best among them. That's why we are the biggest foodies of this locality😅.

Like always, this time I brought 18$ extra to try new foods. My friends are always prepared when I come here. It's all preplanned when and where will we go. Busy schedule😁. Yesterday's plan was to go to a street food bazar. A bazar which is full of different types of street foods. And it's almost 15KM away form our home.😐 Yeah, we are those kind of freak who go 15KM to have street foods😐.

We got on the bus and gossiped a lot. It took 20 mins to reach there I guess🤔. Time ran very fast there. Why shouldn't it? I mate a school friend almost after 4 years. We had to lot of things to catch up with.

Getting down, we entered the market. It's full of little stalls and people. I felt awkward to capture a pic because so many people were eating. So, I just collected a pic from intermet which can't express how the place is. I think you guys have street food bazar in your locality as well.

First thing we did is to give a round to the place. There are 50+ items there but unfortunately we had 3 tummies😐. So, we wanted to try things out carefully. Though it didn't help that much😪.

Our priority was to have DOSA. I never had that before. It's an Indian food and we heard it's very popular food in India. So, finding a foreign food in Bangladesh is a bingoo for we foodies. But alas!!! The Dosa shop was costed yesterday🙂. Anyway, I added a picture of Dosa here so that you guys can have an idea about it. Colleted it from one of the reviewers.

So, we wanted to try something that's not too much available in locality and both spicy. So, we started with 'Momos'. I think I don't need to say much about it. It was average in taste but not bad invest😅. 6 piece for 55 cents. Not bad I guess.

Next, we tried 23 cent burger. It was not that good as we expected. Generally, we students have 23 cent burger often but comparing to those, it's taste was not good. We were so disappointed that we didn't even waste any time to take a shot😑.

Third thing was the best thing that we tried yesterday. Chicken Lolipop. My 1st question was how the pieces are round and intact. To make a lolipop, people generally add meat with the leg piece but it was intact. Me and my friend was surprised. It was so delicious ad only cost 33cens per piece. we bought some local french fry and the combo was quite good. The best item we tried yesterday😑.

From hero, we became zero🙂. Next we ordered swarma and it was the worst. Worst mean worst. The most costly thing we had yesterday and it was the worst ever. The Roti they used was hard. That ruined the whole appetite. One swarma for 1$ and it was total waste.

Then my friends tried different juice. One had lemonade and one had lassi. I was so annoyed and angry with the swarma that I lost my appetite totally. I just sat down and tried to calm myself. While they enjoyed lassi. Lassi is a drink made with yogurt and lemon and it's super tasty.

Then we returned to our locality. Then we went to a restaurant which is famous for an item named 'Dalim'. But another big blow. The item was over that day😑. We were frustrated and sat on this topic of not having Dalim after horrible swarma. Then I had a mountain dew. I was full and needed a soft drink badly. Then we went to a big open field and two more friends joined us. We talked about funny things while having a lemon tea. The lemon tea was very very tasty. I would have taken you guys to have tea there. It nailed totally. We also went to have milk tea. Out friends were taklimg about going to different restaurant and having horrible experiences. Others hear and laugh while having tea. The evening was good and lively for us. That's how our 6$ foodie day ended.

Today will be day 2 and we are planning to go to restaurant. Well, all those experiences will be discussed in part 2 🤫🤫.

But but but, guys I need a suggestion. Besides the foodie thing. I also changed the glass paper of my phone and brought a Back Part for my friend(Female). Her phone's back part is damaged and so I though I should gift her one as she is my one of the closest friends. I didn't go for expensive thing. Because then she won't take it. Just took a simple and beautiful one that will be last and have good grip.

Do you think it's okay or I should buy something more gorgeous?😐 Need some opinion about it. Special Mention: She is not my girlfriend😐, a very close and reliable friend.

Don't hesitate to leave a comment about it. Thanks for reading the article. Hope you have enjoyed it😉😉.

$ 12.96
$ 12.85 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Ruffa
$ 0.03 from @Hanzell
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Written by
2 years ago


I like the foods. But, can u make some back cover of my phone too? 🥺

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Do you like this one?🙄 There are more beautiful ones but thing is those are not durable at all. Specially the glass ones. But this one is made of kinda fiber...anti scratch and the prints will last, has good grip as well.,😐. I actually bought it. Don't know what kimd of back covers are available in your locality😐. You can definitely go and chk out those shops👌👌

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I thought you are going to make one for me. Hahaha, kidding! Yeah. I should check out some shops

$ 0.00
2 years ago

😅😅😅 I am super bad at designing😐. You eill regret if I design one🤣🤣. So, better chk out one in nearby shop🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

OMG, you're making me crave for foods in the middle of the night 🤤🤤. Those foods looks so delicious but what caught my eyes is thay drumstick 🤤.

Anyways, abt that something for a friend zi think that one is cute and girly, hmmm.🤔

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I showed her the case and he liked it. i thought I should show her because if she doesn't like it, ther's still chamce to change it. She also said it's cute👌👌

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Glad to know that she likes it 🥳

$ 0.00
2 years ago

All are looking very delicious. I wish i could taste all this kind of food. You presented it so beautifully that make me more interested to taste it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

vhaii pamm dilen naki🙄🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

After see the photograph of food i am feeling hungry and i am feeling interested to taste all the food. Your presentations was very well also.

$ 0.00
2 years ago