Some days ago, I was scrolling facebook when I suddenly saw a video. It is actually a very educative video but I was surprised that how easily and quickly it gave a lesson on 'The? ar of life'. I checked on Youtube as well and found it's actually a very popular but underrated video. That's why I decided to make an article about the video and mixing something in the end from my perspective. I am sure you will learn something from here😉.
The next class is philosophy class and the students are waiting for the professor. The prefessor entered the class with a black bag. Like normal days. But I bet nobody could imagine something amazing is coming. Professor opened his bag and broung out a jar and some golf balls. He poured all the balls in the jar.
The students were silently seeing what professior was doing. Then professor looked at the student and asked if the think the jar is full. The students replied positively that the jar was full.
The the professor brought out some stones and also put them in the jar. They all went smoothly. Then again he asked what they thought. They again said that the jar is full.
The professor laughed a bit and then brought out a bag of sands and put them in the jar. This time, the jar was almost full. He again asked what they thought then. They were almost confident this time the jar is full.
The professor shook his head a bit and then pulled out a couple of wine bottle and put some wine into it. Then he started his legendary explanation.
He said, from the first moment, the jar seemed full but there were plenty of spaces. Why there were spaces? He told the students to think that the jar is their life, the golf balls are the most important things like family, friends, close ones. The stones were things like car, properties, assets and the sand was the other small parts. Now if he didn't put the balls at first and put sand and stones before the balls, their wouldn't be enough space for the balls. In fact, in this order, everything fitted perfectly. Now like this, if we think of small things and affluence deeply, we won't have time for our friends and family. The most valuable tine should be given to those whom we should prefer first. Or else, they won't fit in the jar and we will miss out something. In the end, he added no matter how busy and full we are, we can take a couple of bear along side the things that we prefer.
The video actually touched me. Made me rethink everything. We are doing lot's of stuffs and it's true that nothing has been more important than friends and family.
But we often forget how we should distribute our times. What we most do is put the stones first. We all run after money, making properties. And then small things. Sometimes, ego, hatred totally takes the whole space and we barely have left any space for our close one. Life is actually like this. Everything has it's own shape and patter and they needs to be in order to be perfectly fit within our life.
But how many of us really understand this? I have even seen some mother so lost in Television that she forgets to take care of her child. Some people so lost running after money that they forget to ask their parents if they need anything. But money and those small things didn't give us birth. We don't say cheers with them when we celebrate and also we don't cry in front of the small things and neither they give us mental support. Yes, for a time being, money can give happiness but that is not everlasting like the joy we can get from our family and friends. So they should be our main priorities. In the end, I just wanna say, everything should be in order and any disruption in order can bring misery in our lives. So, besides everything, remember to give quality times to your friends and family. And don't get lost into crypto😅😅 Remember for whom you are doing your hard work😅.
Thank you for attention.
Yeah Good thing I always have a quality time for my children. Some people tend to forget that they have a family because they are very busy for their work. But I know that in their heart they are doing this for the sake of the family but they need to have just one day, spare some time for their family.