The start of my journey and random rewarder. Lucky or unlucky???

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Written by
4 years ago

At first i am gonna say i am not a big writer. But i just thought i should write about how i feel about everything i am experiencing and it might turn out as a good article😅😅😅.

The heading has two parts. 'Start of my journey' and 'Random rewarder'. At first it seems unrelatable or something like that😅😅.I don't know if i will be able to connect the two parts but I am just expressing how i feel about everything happend so far after I joined read. cash and i may able to connect them😅.

So as we know we are facing Covid-19 situation, most of the student like us is in quarantine and noting to do at all. No school, no college, no university at all. No idea when the institutions are gonna open. And no going out means no pocket money🤣🤣. So i was passing my days with my empty pocket. Lazy days with anime and movies, sometime facebooking and so so..... but almost 3 days earlier, i was talking to my friend about staffs like bad time and no money in the pocket and then he told me about Read. Cash. He told me it is tough as the articles needs to be really good and should draw the attention of lots of people and there are not much people who become successful.My english is pretty good comparing to my level as i watch a lot of movies and animes🤣🤣. It's not easy to develop a good skill in english in countries like Bangladesh. I just though 'yeah boy!! lets give a try.Easy money💸💸🤣🤣🤣'.....but when i logged in and saw inside the site..... i instantly know that it's not only about money,it's the skill you will gain the most from Read. Cash.

My first two days was a disaster totally. I was posting different kind of staffs and getting less thrumbs up and views. At first i thought if if comment and like other's post.... i may convince them to subscribe me and i'll make some money. As I am out of money🤣🤣🤣..... but it didn't work....... so i tried to post better articles but in vain. All i do just the point won't increase.In first two days.... i had only 2 subscriber and 16 points only. While my friend was telling me he posts and doesn't visit for sometimes and when he enters, he gets 20 or 30 cents automatically.... so i was a bit confused.... what's going on.....i was like 'My posts are not that bad but only 3 points in the 1st day and another 13 in the 2nd''.... whats going on actually...... then i saw the rules about random rewarder and saw some posts of @Read.Cash . I understood what are they doing and why they are doing actually.

So basically after all of this, at first i was very sad that if i joined before random reward, i could make some money. In fact i joined to make money and thought at least 4-5 dollers per months. but got only 10 cent after two days😂😂. Anyways, i scrolled.... saw a lot of posts and understood the condition and i don't know when my motive to make money changed....So much good articles and good writers and reading them i learnt a lot about peoples style of making things attractive and so on. I also made one or two friends. So some great photography and cookings. Badass arts and much more things. Then i understood, the main tatget is not to make money but to develop one's skill in writing. Making things attractive and geeting along with people. appreciating them for their work and so much things.

I always lack confident about everything almost. But i do it anyawys. I was told to write articles in the magazines for a long time but i was shy. I thought i can't do it. But seeing peolpe write makes me happy. Writing makes me happy. I don't know if I will be able to make money or not and i don't care but i want to take the skill development from Read. cash and thats why 'Random rewarder' will push ourselves.

people will try to write the best so far with this system so they get chosen. I don't know how it works actually. But i surely things the good articles get chosen and bad one doesn't. So people will try to do their best. I will try to do my best. I know it will give me confident to write articles in papers and magazines. It will develop my language skill. I will be able to know how to attract people which is an inportant part of our career.

But if there wasn't random rewarder.People would post anything and there will not be always best articles to view.If the bad articles don't get paid😅😅, there will be less bad articles and people would try their best. I ind this platform as a great personal development lab.Read others. Mix it with your own and evolve. Many of us can become a great author too if we can develop ourselves.The Random rewared pushes for this. That's why i won't regret if a good post of mine becomes underraterd or doesn't get paid. I will try to write better and better so that next time i get chosen and people like me...... subscribe me.. encourage me. i will not run for money but the chance of developing skill that Read. cash is giving me.

In heading,I have writen lucky or unlucky?? i have written as i feels lucky to be in a platform where i can develop my skill and made me thristy for writing good articles and draw the attention of others. And i feel unlucky as i joined just after random reward. it's making it hard to get chosen. The race is harder now but its makes us hungry that will eventually develop our own selves.

please like, comment, subscribe and let me know what you think about this post. It'll encourage me and help me to overcome my mistakes.


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Written by
4 years ago


Too long but I manage to read it. All I can say is just write what you want to say. At the process you will learn more. No one born as a champion but they can be work out. Good luck and see you around 😊👍

$ 0.00
4 years ago

sorry i wrote it long. I just expressed everything 😅😅and made it long.... hoping to see you around too... thanks for supporting❤️❤️

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I just want you to say that you are LUCKY because you join in this good and legit platform, in which you develop your writing skills and you learn from reading different articles. Don't say that you are unlucky because you joined just after random reward? No, if you have dedication in writing, have consistency, exert time, and effort nothing is impossible, the system will notice your work. Be patient and just continue writing. And the most important is to abide by the rules of read cash.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Yes, i actually said i am unlucky because they made a lot of changes like no points for comment and views etc...actually i am out of money and i thought i could earn 1 or 2dollers in a week.... but now i am fine.... i am enjoying the site.... enjoying the articles..... its sad i don't have subscribers as it's hard for me to reach people if anybody don't subscribe me.... but i will keep writing so that people notice me little by little..... i am really enjoying writing everyday

$ 0.00
4 years ago

That's the spirit.👏👏 Just continue what you are doing and someday all your wish are happen that you didn't expect it.😇🤗

$ 0.00
4 years ago

i also hope so... thanks for suporting me.. this really helps to grow❤️❤️

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Keep going on. You will develop your writing skill. You are so much interested in writing which is very very good. need members like you. You give so much time in writing this article and shared your experience with us. Very good, my friend. 💕

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I have so...... writing articles make me happy... i dn't know i will be abke to reach people or not but i will try my best to do best

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Lol. You are fun! Nice to meet you 😉

$ 0.00
4 years ago

yeah... nice to meet you too dear👌👌👌

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Let's subscribe each other so that we can remain in touch😉😉😉i have subscribed you.

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Done 💙

$ 0.00
4 years ago

see you around..... let's help each other to grow❤️❤️❤️

$ 0.00
4 years ago

You bought me into a good platform bro.Thank you and pizza tumi khawaba karon ami shopping korbo amar taka diye 😌

$ 0.00
4 years ago

accha... pizza on me🤣🤣🤣🤣income hok kisu age😂😂😂

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4 years ago