Suspicion, Judgement, Regret

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2 years ago

This is a story of a good friend of mine.Her name was Sarah. She is such a humble person I have ever met. She used to lives with her step sister Michelle. They were like best friends. They both were too active on social media. They both used to share everything on social media of their daily life. They used to love working together. They were so happy with each other. In a word they were leading a happy life.

One day they went to a restaurant for lunch. They were having their food after taking pictures with their food.

They shared the pictures on their social media accounts and started enjoying the food. They were talking and eating. There were a lot of people on that restaurant that day. So there were talking about why there was so much crowd. Suddenly they saw someone arguing with the restaurant authorities. He was arguing because there were no tables left for his family and he eagerly wanted to have lunch at that restaurant. There was no fault of the authority. But he wasn’t able to understand that. He was continuously arguing with them. So that was a disturbing moment for all. Suddenly someone came from behind and stopped the fight. He was ready to give his table for that family. And that's how the argument ends. The guy was such a gentleman. Sarah and Michelle were only two in number, so there were empty chairs at their table. So they invited that guy to have lunch with them. And he accepted the invitation. His nam was James. They all were having a fun conversation and finished their lunch.

After that Sarah and Michelle left for their home. They were all talking about James all the way to home. They found James a very nice guy. James used to talk to both of them on their social media. They both used to talk to James over phone. Also they often used to chill out together. The relationship between the three of them became very good in a few days. Sarah and Michelle both started to like James.

One day James invited Sarah and Michelle to his home for dinner. So they both got dressed well and went to his home. His home was well decorated with many lights. They finished their dinner. After dinner James came to Sarah and confessed his love for her. That was a very special moment for Sarah. She was so happy. She also confessed that she also love James. That was a precious moment for both of them.

But who wasn’t happy was Michelle. Because she loved James too. And she decided to propose James as well. But before that James confessed that he loves Sarah. So Michelle got very angry.

But couldn’t say anything.

Anyway James decided to marry Sarah very soon. And within 2 weeks they got married. They were so happy with each other. On the other hand Michelle was too jealous. She was just couldn’t forget James. But she never talked about this with Sarah. So Sarah thought that Michelle was also happy for them. But Michelle wasn’t. She just pretended to be happy in front of them.

Sarah and James were just perfect for each other. They had never any trust issues. They celebrated one year of their married life. They arranged a big party to celebrate the day. They invited their friends and relatives on that party. Michelle was also invited as usual. She went to the party. She told Sarah not to trust James blindly. Sarah was a little bit shocked after hearing that. But she thought maybe Michelle was worried about her and that's why she said that thing. However they celebrated the day well. All the guests left their home after the party. Then Sarah shared their pictures on her social media. After her marriage she often shared their cute couple photos on her social media and got a very good response. That was an another point to get jealous for Michelle. She also wanted to get a good response on her social media but she couldn’t.

After some days Sarah was talking to Michelle over phone. And at that time James got unconscious. Sarah quickly called their family doctor. She was too scared. Doctor came after 20/30 minutes. And the doctor said something totally unexpected. He said James was dead. After listening that Sarah wasn’t able to understand anything. She couldn’t move forward. She was just couldn’t believe that James was dead.

Then she called their friends and relatives to give the news of James's death. All the friends and relatives went to his home. They all were shocked because his death was totally unexpected. So they all were sad for Sarah because she was too crying. After some time they all left. But Michelle was there with Sarah. Next day Michelle went to Sarah. Sarah was feeling too low. Michelle told something to Sarah about the previous day. She told that she saw someone was standing beside the dead body of James who was unknown. Michelle was trying to say that maybe James was having an affair with another women and maybe she was the unknown person. Actually Sarah didn’t noticed any lady there. But she believed that an unknown lady was standing beside James's dead body because Michelle was saying that. But she wasn’t ready to believe that James was having an affair. Then Michelle asked Sarah if she ever checked James's phone. Sarah replied no. Because Sarah used to trust James blindly. So she never checked his phone. She didn’t even know his phone's password. And she never tried to asked him about it.

But after listening all the things Sarah started to think about it. She started to think if he actually had an affair or not. Sarah was going crazy, because now everything seemed suspicious to her. She tried to unlock James's phone with some random passwords. But all passwords were wrong. After some days she got James's laptop from his office. But Sarah didn’t know about any laptop. Because James didn’t tell her about that laptop. She tried to see if something was there on that laptop. But unfortunately the laptop was also locked as well. And Sarah didn’t know any passwords. James used to share everything with Sarah. But why he didn’t tell her about the laptop? Sarah tried to gift him a laptop before. But he told that he doesn’t like using laptop.

Then why he had a laptop in his office. And why he didn’t tell about it to Sarah.

Everything was suspicious around Sarah. Sarah remembered that a few days ago James was talking about a girl who recently joined his office. He also mentioned that the girl was very helpful to him.

The next day Sarah went to his office and asked everyone about the new girl. But they replied that the new girl shifted to another city the day after James's death. So now Sarah was too sure that James was having an affair with that new girl. She tried to contact the girl. But she couldn’t. She went home and told Michelle everything. Michelle was telling that she knew something gonna happened like that happened and warned her not to trust him blindly.

Now Sarah started to hate James. She couldn’t accept the truth but everything was suspicious. So she had to accept it. Michelle told Sarah to share a post about James's betray. As Sarah was too angry with James, she did what Michelle told her. Her post got a very good response. Everyone's comment was like men can't stick to a girl, they always hurt women and many more....

After a week Sarah was alone in her bedroom. She saw a notebook which was kept with James's office files. She took the notebook and stared reading it. After reading that she couldn’t stop crying. There was nothing written except Sarah. James used to write everything about Sarah. He also wrote about every moment he spent with Sarah. That shows how much he loved Sarah. He also wrote about a project which he was going to start with the name of Sarah. Everything on that notebook was only about Sarah.

After seeing all of this Sarah started to shivering. She took James's phone and tried to unlock it. And this time she finally managed to unlock the phone. She also unlocked the laptop with the same password. And the password was “SARAH”.

And there was nothing on the phone and the laptop except Sarah. Sarah couldn’t even imagine how much James used to love her.

She biggest regret was that she suspected James for no reason and shared something on social media that broke his reputation. Even all the people already started to hate James because of that post where that was not even his fault.

So the fact is if Sarah could keep her faith in James, nothing like that would happen. And she hated James without any proof.

So we shouldn’t judge anyone on the basis of mere words without proof.

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Written by
2 years ago


Sometimes the snake is just beside us whispering things that could make us do mistakes, so they could laugh at us on the sidelines. We shouldn't trust people's words blindly, too, no matter who they are. We should know how to discern their words.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Seriously, I thought Michelle was a good friend🙄. Just because of her jealousy that is why maybe, shes doing it for Sarah to get mad and all. That b!tch 🙄

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Evil eye...tgat's why we shou not share everything we enjoy or precious on social media

$ 0.00
2 years ago

What was the reason behind his death? That went hidden.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We thougt is was a sudden stroke and about the transfer of the girl, she was a good colleague or you can say good friend who share works and have lunch together. And that's why she was transferred because she couldn't bear the loss and couldn't focus on work

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nice to read your article

$ 0.00
2 years ago