Presenting Myself Before Someone

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Written by
3 years ago

Well, I am not going to waste any time or words on my introduction because you already know about my whereabouts. I am a student, a fellow person who dreams to be a good researcher in future so that my parents can be proud of me.

If I talk about my strength, I am strong when there are people around me. Everything seems a competition to me where I don’t want to be the person who is left behind because of his laziness or under-skilled. For whom, a group is suffering and I want to the team to carry my weight. Rather, I want to be the one who can stay ahead and motivates others to give their best. I also consider it as one of my weakness because when I am alone, it makes the job harder and I get distracted. Though I finish my work but it seems harder when I am alone.

And my greatest strength is my subject. Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology was my dream subject and I fought for this subject. Everything seems interesting related to this subject. So, I am pretty sure there won’t be any boring project for me rather I think I will be able to enjoy it fully.

I have another weakness, I struggle to realize any process of work at first but once I realize, this weakness turns into my strength and it doesn’t take much time to cope up with the situation and work faster without making mistakes.

I love to work, co-operate. A bit of music while doing any work makes my work more enjoyable. And I love to a take a break for a day(mostly after studying or working continuously 4-6 days) in a while and to refresh my mind by a movie or anime. So, it’s one of my weaknesses as well. And I hate to be the one who becomes an unnecessary weight and I love to make myself more useful. The thing I hate most is ‘Oiling’ people by telling lies. I don’t consider myself talented because I have met some awesome people, friends who are much more talented and I look up to them sometimes. But I am a pretty good multitasker and I enjoy to take pressure about things that seems very interesting to me. And the word ‘Research’ itself seems very interesting to me as well. As I don’t know what’s coming next, it would be improper for me to express what the team would be able to use from me. But I think I will be able to give my fullest dedication because I am hungry for some work. Also, I expect to learn team work, ideas on how to construct a project work.

Life is unpredictable. I don’t know if I will be able to live next 10 years. But, if I am live till then, I want to see myself working like a proper scientist in a level 3 or 4 lab and also carrying on this experience on bioinformatics and some full research. In a word, I want to pass busy days, earning enough money to fill my tummy and keeping my family happy.

$ 1.32
$ 1.06 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @Jane
$ 0.05 from @Alther
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Written by
3 years ago


I'm pretty sure you'll manage into a level 3 lab just fine, don't dream about a biohazard lab just yet, you still have a lot of strays to help too

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah, planning ahead. Safe research. But I still need a furmommy🤣🤣 You rejected then🤣🤣

$ 0.00
3 years ago

you'll find a good furmommy too OwO i cannot adopt more so I'm not qualified yet

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well, you will become qualified cause I won't be able to feed doys strays until I am earning properly. That will take a lot of ime😅😅

$ 0.00
3 years ago

i can feed but if i can't bring them home, i don't even think it counts ;;-;; i wanna bring the babies home and give them beds and baths

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well, same for me but I don't think I will be able to take care of them at home😓😓 I will need a furmommy do help mw out with poop stuff😑😑

$ 0.00
3 years ago

oof my least favourite chore. i just dump those in the compost pit tho then i give it to my plants

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I need you🤣🤣🤣

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That's how we should handle life, turn the weakness into strengths.. And you are strong snd smart.. So your life will be better in the next 10 years.

$ 0.03
3 years ago