Neighbour? or What?

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Written by
2 years ago

To be honest, I am having the toughest time of my life. I didn't guess 3rd year of university would be this much problematic. Due to corona, we are short on time and now everything is moving so fast that there's not much time to catch a breath. In january, I finished my semester exam and after just 2 month's of class, my exam is here. I mentioned that I have a little sis( not by birth, she is someone I know) loves writing but we both didn't get enough time to write. Her exam is in august, mine in june. She gave mw this story a week ago and I disn't get enough time to peep. I also have exams day after tomorrow. Even my freelancer friends are also not working. We are passing so much busy time nowadays. Anyways, not too much tie to spare. Let's see if you like her haunted story.

I just shifted at a new city 1 week ago. After a lot of struggle I finally found a flat in a reasonable price. There I found a very kind neighbor. Her name was Lily. She was almost 50 years old. She was very kind and helpful to me. She often came to my flat and help me to manage all the things. As a new person in the city I didn’t know anything about it. So she helped me to recognise everything in the city.

After 10 days I had to join my office. So I usually went to the office early in the morning. So my neighbour used to make my breakfast everyday. I told her not to do that. But she used to make breakfast for me every day. Actually she used to treat me as her own child.

That's how my 1st month went like. After some days I started to talk to another neighbours. They were also very helpful to me. One day they arranged a get together party for all the flat members. As usual all of us attended the party. But I noticed Mrs. Lily wasn’t there. I asked everyone that where was Mrs. Lily. But they told me there was no-one named Lily. Anyway the party was done.

After the party I went to Mrs. Lily's flat. As she opened the door I asked her why she didn’t come to that party. She replied because of her sickness she couldn’t attend the party. Then I asked why everyone was denying her existence. She replied that she never went to outside her flat that's why nobody knew her. Her answer was a kind of weird to me.

After that I started to think about her. I was very curious to know about her more. The next day I went to the register room to know the names of the flat owners. Surprisingly there was nobody named Lily.

After a few days Mrs Lily invited me to her flat for dinner. At first I didn’t want to go there but she was continuously insisting me to went her flat. So I couldn’t say no to her. I went to her flat for the dinner. I bought some flowers and fruits for her. As I stepped into her flat there was no light there. I hardly could see her. There was heavy rain outside. She told me because of the rain the electricity was down. That's why she turned off all the lights. I saw there was a birthday cake there. I asked if it was her birthday. She replied it was her son's birthday. So she was celebrating it. I asked her where was her son. She said he died at a car accident and stared crying. I felt very pity for her. Then we celebrated her son's birthday together and had dinner.

Then I became very busy with my daily life. One day I came from my office. When I was about to came my flat I noticed there was a storeroom behind the residence. I went to the storeroom. It was locked. Then I went to our watchman and asked him why the storeroom was locked. He told me it was locked since 10 years and he didn’t know where was the key of that storeroom. I remembered Mrs Lily told me that she was living here for 20 years. So I went to her flat to ask her about the storeroom. She told me the storeroom wasn’t usable now and that's why nobody use it. I was very confused about all of it. I decided to went to the storeroom one day. It was 11 pm I went to the storeroom after everyone slept. I broke the lock and opened the door of the storeroom. I saw there was literally nothing except a notebook. I took the notebook and went from there. After coming back to my flat I started reading the notebook. At the last page I saw Mrs Lily's photo. I realised that was a history book of all the flat members used to live there 10 years ago. I started to read all the histories. Everyone's story was normal as usual. But Mrs Lily's story was a little bit different I found. Because the pages of her history was torned from there. All I could see was her photo. The next day I went to the other neighbours and showed Mrs Lily's photo to them. But they weren’t ready to agree with me that if there was someone named Mrs Lily. Then I went to our watchman and asked him if he saw Mrs Lily before. He was also said that there was nobody named Mrs Lily. He gave me a phone number of previous watchman of the building and said to ask him about all of this.

I contacted the previous watchman of the building and decided to meet him.I met him at a cafe and asked him about all of that. He was very afraid and started to sweating after listening Mrs Lily's name from my mouth. He asked me how I know the name. I told him I knew her name because she was living with me at the same building. He replied that there was nobody named Mrs Lily there. Because Mrs Lily died 10 years ago. After listening that I couldn’t say anything to him. But I asked all the details about her. He told me 10 years ago Mrs Lily was living with her husband and son. One day she came to know that her husband was cheating with her with another women. So she killed her husband. Her son was there as well and saw everything. So she killed her son too. Then she jumped from her balcony and died. After that incident the owner of the building locked the flat of Mrs Lily and sold the building to a businessman, who is the current owner of the building.

After listening the incident I couldn’t step forward at all. If she died 10 years ago then why I can see her. She didn’t try to hurt me at all but why she was seen only to me. I decided to shift from the building. After some days I shifted another home as I decided. After listening the story from that watchman, I didn’t see Mrs Lily again. I don’t know what was just happened to me.

After a few months I was getting too much busy with my office and daily life. So I didn’t wanted to remember that incident again.

$ 4.58
$ 4.51 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Jane
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Written by
2 years ago


Oh my, I thought it was real. I'm seriously reading the whole context and I found out it's fictional. Nicely written!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My sis wrote the story...all credits to her 🤟

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Wait, is this a fiction or what? It gave me goosebumps. I read it twice.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

fictional story... that sis of mine is a horror fan.. She even saw two jinns. She hears horror story every friday on radia and makes horror stories and sometimes sends me. I post them and give her whatever I get😄😅

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Huh! That felt good. I was about to burst out of fear, lol. Kidding. My bad for not understanding the part where you said that the story was from your little sis.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Maybe Mrs. Lily just missed her son and the character reminded her of him. Besides, ghost doesn't hurt people 😅. just scary. I guess 🤣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Actually there's nothing such things called ghosts. Like I said, there are jinns. The the stories about ghost and souls are fictional🤣. And jinns can hurt people,😐

$ 0.00
2 years ago