Know The Right Meaning

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3 years ago

To be honest, I use fb a lot. And I see a lot of news, posts, controversial conversations in comment section. One of the facts I noticed recently is feminism. Some girls generally use it as their weapon. And boys as a means of meme. But before writing down the whole article, I would like to say why I am writing about woman rights recently. I made a similar types of article recently where I showed how man dominate woman. It’s lot common in 3rd world country. We are not as open as your country. And why I heard the story from my brother about his friend, I just wanted to write about it. But there is an otherwise too and I also can’t unseen the other side of the coin as well. The world is growing and women are coming out. They are fighting for equal right. Okay equal right seems very good to me. But don’t you think some of them are using it as weapons too? Somedays ago, I was watching a parody video, where at first a boy cheated on a girl and the girl slapped the boy. All people came forward and the supported the girl and blamed the boy for cheating. It seemed very fair and square on me. He deserved to get slapped and blamed for cheating. In the next part, same thing but this time a girl cheated on the boy and he only shouted on the girl very badly for the cheat. Then girl started crying. Then all people came and supported the girl and said she had rights to choose what’s best for her. The guy couldn’t keep him happy and that’s why she cheated. It’s her choice. So, is this the so called feminism? No, it isn’t. Here either the girl was deserved to get slapped, or in the first story the boy deserved to cheat on her because he was not happy. Choose your side but provide equity then. Why the special privilege? This is not feminism!!!!!!!!! These people, women or whoever they are ruining the term massively. They termed it women special privilege, not equal right as men.

That’s why we get offended if someone calls us feminist, right? We live in massive misconception thinking that feminism dominates male. So let me enlighten you. What is feminism and how it is totally misunderstood by all, specially the women herself. –So, what is Feminism? Feminism, the belief in social, economic, and political equality of the sexes. As we know from centuries, women are always dominated by male gender. That's why, it is they termed it feminism, not masculinism. I would rather prefer a mixed term. Like fescunism may be?🤔

Let’s see when did the revolution begin. This fight started from Ancient Greece. Plato was the first human who spoke about the capacities of woman. He advocated that women possess “natural capacities” equal to men for governing and defending. No one agreed with him. In that time of period, women of ancient Rome started a massive protest as Roman consul Marcus Porcius Cato said “As soon as they begin to be your equals, they will have become your superiors!" and he prohibited female citizens to buy and use gold.

FEMINISM is usually separated into three waves.

1. First wave feminism, dealing with property rights and the right to vote

2. Second wave feminism, focusing on equality and anti-discrimination.

3. Third wave feminism, which started in the 1990's as a backlash to the second wave’s perceived privileging of white, straight women.

Fast forward a century or so, and, while many laws have improved, the Equal Rights amendment still hasn’t been approved, and things remain decidedly unequal. It is imagined as an extremist movement full of man-hating lesbians on the one hand. Or on the other, it is seen as a sort of lifestyle movement that invites white, heterosexual, wealthy, able-bodied women to take control of their own lives by embracing heteronormative femininity, capitalist values, and individualism.

Types of Feminism

Traditionally feminism is often divided into three main traditions usually called liberal, reformist or mainstream feminism, radical feminism and socialist/Marxist feminism, sometimes known as the "Big Three" schools of feminist thought; since the late 20th century a variety of newer forms of feminisms have also emerged, some of which are viewed as branches of the three main traditions.

Kinds of feminist discourses: gender reform feminisms, gender resistant feminisms, and gender revolution feminisms. In her typology, gender reform feminisms are rooted in the political philosophy of laborism with its emphasis on individual rights. Gender resistant feminisms focus on specific behaviors and group dynamics through which women are kept in a subordinate position, even in subcultures which claim to support gender equality. Gender revolution feminisms seek to disrupt the social order through deconstructing its concepts and categories and analyzing the cultural reproduction of inequalities.

My sister helped me to write this part. I am not so good at history and rules things. So she has her credits too in it😅.

So support the right equity. It is needed for your own progress, for our economy. Don't misuse it. Treat both man and woman in the equal way. There is no rule that a man is always wrong. Don’t act reckless and ruin a career. A man may have the power to abuse but a woman has power to destroy a man totally as well. Because people misuse the term. Actually most of the people doesn’t even know the meaning of the term and they think it as woman privilege. A man has feeling. And a bad mark on his career can destroy him. Also a woman has feelings too and she deserves to be treated well and deserve all the freedom. But the consequence is her responsibility as well. If anything bad happens, then she has the bear the impact as the society is still not safe for woman and a person who can tease and rape won’t understand any letter about feminism🤣.

And seriously, I went to internet to find some picture. They are also controversial. All women figures. What we do we expect to learn?😑 It's expressed in that way that feminism is women right only, not equal right😑.

So get educated, think of you own good and act like what is right. No special privilege please. With this, the explanation of other side is done as well. Peace.

And if anyone get me wrong, I have nothing to do. Because I say what I see. Thank you for reading.

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Written by
3 years ago


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$ 0.00
3 years ago

Finally you choose very hot topic Roadies 😂 Okay. I agree with your words but in our lay man thoughts feminism isn't that phenomenon which actually was, and true with your explanation.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Finally you are back in read cash😅😅. And yeah, they totally changed the main fact. Needs to be corrected soon

$ 0.00
3 years ago

We are all human and we should be equal.. There is no such term as feminism. It's just up to each other's treatment

$ 0.00
3 years ago

To ensure the equity, feminism was born as womenwere backward in every case. But now it's misused in many ways😓😓

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I don't know what to say.. It's just that I also want equal right from both men and women but not to the extent that women will abuse their rights and would use it as weapon.That's not how it should be 🙄. If a man cheats, he deserved to be slapped but if a woman cheats likewise she recieves the same slap.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I also agree. But the society always thinks the man is guilty no matter what. This is female previlege, not feminism actually. And same old same old. People changes when they get's power. Applicable for both male and female. Human nature sis.😶

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I agree with you. Human nature that acts as a disease that infects mankind.

$ 0.02
3 years ago