Is Everything Fair In Love And War?

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2 years ago

You know, I don't like myself. Because I want to be perfect in life and this is not an easy thing to achieve. Perfection means, I don't know if I would be able to express or not, being religious(Obviously my religion, Islam, has proven to make a person better and I am an living example), being a person who is trustworthy and 99 out of people tell that this person is a good person after my death. I want to die with something. That makes me proud of myself. Between all of this dissatisfactions, I love one thing about myself. I am not a blind follower and that's why it's not easy to mislead me. I justify things and then make decision. I love my religion and society but I don't follow all the rules. I only follow those that I think is justified and I should be followed. And I want to learn things from everything. Not just books, but from a song, movie, anime or even something that I am watching with my very eyes. I am proud of me for this.

Now, my religion says, movies, songs brings impurity in heart that I don't think is truth. Obviously 99% of them brings but there are 1% and that's enough for me to learn from them. Just like today, I watched a movie named Jolly LLB 2 where it is beautifully explained that the person who wrote this line ' Everything is fair in love and war'. And I know this society follows it because I have heard it numerous time. But is it the case?

Okay, the explaination that the movie gave that, if it is right, then illegally killing soldiers is fair. Throwing acid on someone you love but she doesn't is fair. I don't know if you know about this or not. But acid throwing on face is more frequent in our country.

Almost 60%-70% people of this world is against Putin for invading Ukraine. Why then? Why are saying it is unfair while you believe everything is fair in war? Do you have any answer on this?

Okay, you love someone and you are telling him/her bunch of lies to attract that person because everything is fair in love. So do you support is as well?

This line is made to break all the truth and rules. And this win with all the injustices and lies. Is this actually a win? Will it be perpetual? Will you be satisfied with it? Will you be okay sacrificing your self respect to win something with lies? When you we follow this line?

Truth is something that will always come forward. If we even explain it with other way, even then I can't justify it. How can cheating be a fair thing? This line is just a mask to satisfy ego. It's a cover to hide the weakness, the lies, the injustics. That's what I think.

First of all, I don't think war is fair. But some people are forced for war. Like how we were forced. If you read the history, we were oppressed, we got looted by the oppressing government and that's why we fought. But even in wars. And it's about the tactics they follow for the war. Traps are set. Mines are set. Etc etc. I never think a war of independence is unfair. But some are forced. But most of the nations engage in war in silly matter. Over resources. To increase their area and many more things. When the war itself is not fair, then how can they say everything is fair in war? Didn't the saw the children that lost everything. In Syria, in Palestine. Watch them, watch their statements, you will cry. I cried. I asked Almighty to help them. And someone saying everything is fair. So killing our parents over some stupid fight over something and they will get away with it that everything is fair.

You are loving someone and you are seeing the real face of that person after your marriage or relationship and that person then laughing and saying it was fair as I am in love, LOL. Or suppose, you are marrying a person older, or too much younger, different cast, different religion. Who says that it's a rule to marry someone your own religion, age, cast etc etc. Most of the crimes are saying this line is made for this kind of stuffs and hiding bigger issues behind it. And as for gays and lesbians? Do you think it's right relationship? My answer is clear. It's not okay and and I don't support LGBTQ.

What do you think about the whole thing now? If you think I am wrong, tell me. I am ready to everything in the world. Let me learn from you as well.

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2 years ago
