Imagination Can't Get Any Weirder

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Written by
3 years ago

As I said earlier, my dreams are weird. But sometimes my imagination is weird too. The story I imagined and going to write today is basically a remake of a story we read in lower grades. Many institutions include this kind of stories to promote moral values in children. And the later part was from a movie. I think you will understand that if you read the last part. But I am almost 78% sure this can make you laugh a bit.

The story came in my mind almost 3 years ago while I was giving exam to a coaching center. Generally I hate to memorise the stories and just take the concept. But that day, he totally took us by surprise. The topics that he gave us to write on wasn't from the one he told us to read. I mean, those were not out of syllabus as we actually had no syllabus in the Board exam but those are least suggested. He told us to write those with our own imagination because that was not a fixed story like 'Unity is strength'. In a word, those weren't the educative Eshop ones. They were simple like be 'The accidents I witnessed' or 'Helping a poor'. The one I got, I was told to make a story about the 'Consequence of cramming and buying exam papers before the examination'. I thought two stories. But i wouldn't dare to write to write the most interesting one because I love my life and I am not willing to get killed. Serious, I am not even married yet. I wanna live more😅.

But before starting the story I made, I am going to give a short description of the story where I got the idea from. It was about honest of a woodcutter. Though I believe most people know the story but still a writer's job is to make sure everyone know the background and can enjoy it to it's fullest.

The Actual Story

Once there lived a woodcutter who used to cut woods in a jungle. One day while cutting tree beside a deep river, the axe fell into the river. The river was full of crocodiles and the axe was his only means of earning. He started crying. A angle lived in the river. She heard his cry and come in front of him and asked why he was crying. He explained everything. The angel dived into the river and brought a golden asked and asked the woodcutter if it was his axe. The woodcutter said it wasn't his. The angel again dived and appeared before him with a silver axe and again asked if it was his. The woodcutter again said it wasn't his and told the angel that his axe was shabby and made of bronze. Next time the angel brought his axe and the woodcutter then said it was his. The angel was surprised of his honesty. He is poor still remain honest. The angel gave him all the axe and told him to sell the gold and silver one and use the money for his family.

I have no idea how this came to my head while I was thinking but just read what I made 😑. I am not going to write it in the academic style. I will try to keep the article small😅.

My Weirdo Imagination

Rafiq is a boy who doesn't study well. He passes his days idly and always hang out here and there. He always thinks before the exam day, somehow he will try to buy the question ( Question out is too much common here) and study then.

His exam was approaching but he was still careless. Before the exam day, he searched here and there. Posted in many groups but this time the authority seemed to be very strict and he couldn't find any. Then someone knocked him and told him that he could give him the question in return of handsome amount of money. He didn't think twice and bought the paper. He only studied those and seemed very confident.

Next day, after getting the question, his heart started jumped. There was not a word which was common to him. The question he got yesterday was fake and he was scammed. He didn't know what to do. He tried to ask others to help but all knew about this careless behaviour and nobody even helped him. He tried to copy from the boy sitting beside him and got noticed by the teacher. The teacher took his papers away and told him to get out of the class. He was very sad. He went to the washroom started crying.

A angel lived in the commode🥴. She heard his cry. She appeared before him and asked him what was wrong with him. He cried and told that the teacher took away his papers. He angel told Rafiq to wait, dived in the commode and came up with a paper. The paper was totally full. All the answers were there. The angel asked him if the paper was his. He replied that no, it's the paper of our 1st boy. The angel again dived and came up with another paper where 50% was answered. Then she asked him if it was his. He again said no. Finally she dived and came up with a empty paper. Rafiq recognised his paper. Full and fresh. Rafiq was very happy. Like the story we previously read, the angel gave Rafiq all the papers and told him to submit the one he likes. And then she disappeared.

The exam was already over by then. He took the best one and entered the room. All the students left by then. Teacher was counting the number of papers he collected. He saw Rafiq and asked what he was doing there. He would fail. Rafiq asked the examiner if he knew who he is. The examiner said he didn't know and he didn't care at all. No matter who he is or who his father is, the examiner doesn't care. Then Rafiq put the paper on the desk and mixed them with the others, turned them upside down and ran away. The examiner ran behind him asked his name and roll but Rafiq vanished.

So from this story, we come to know that, " Work smarter, not harder."🤣

This was the story I thought while thinking what to write. But I didn't write beacause I know I would be in hospital by the next week if I write this story.🤣 But the story seemed very funny to me.

May be you have already understood that the last part was taken from the movie '3 idiots'. By mixing all these ideas I created that one🤣. I never really said this to anyone except one person😅.

I don't know you will find it funny or not. But I tried to mix a bit of comedy there. I hope you would enjoy this story😅. Thanks for reading and stopping by. Leave a comment if I seem to lack anything. I will try to work on it.😅

$ 26.10
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Avatar for Jihan
Written by
3 years ago


Hi Jihan. I loved reading your story. I bursted out laughing when I read the boy recognised his paper 'Full and fresh' 😂 I loved the ending too. I didn't see the movie, so it made me cry from laughter. I still don't seem to be able to upvote, but I can at least leave a comment to let you know I read it. (There are a few typos, but I loved reading it nonetheless.)

$ 0.05
3 years ago

I am glad you read it and thanks for the comment and letting me know. I feel encouraged when someone likes my story. Thanks a lot. The name of the movie is 3 idiots and it's one of the best movies I have even seen and I suggest you to watch it. I am sure you will enjoy it a lot. And don't worry about the upvote. If the people like it, that's enough for me. I am seeing you for the first time😅. I am glad to meet you. Let's continue to support each other. Again thanks for the encouragement😍😍

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes, it’s my first time reading your article and commenting, but I have seen you before, as you commented on my snail 🐌 article. I slowly getting my head around this platform and I like it, but I need to learn a lot still! I sent an email to support to ask about the upvoting error.

I just looked it up and found this movie on Netflix. 2 hr 43 mins! It better be worth it 😅😅😅

See you around Jihan 💙

$ 0.00
3 years ago

ohh yeah I remeber you... ohh and no the one in netflix is not movie, it's a netflix made season. The movie is 1 hour and 43 mins. Google Turbo and you will get to know about the movie. Then download it. Don't watch another turbo🤣🤣 Google it. It will made you clear

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I meant the 3 idiots movie you mentioned in your article. That's the one I found on Netflix. I leave Turbo for another time 😂

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ohh yeahh it's available in netflix. I have seen it in 2012 may be..but last year I also saw in in netflix. It will be worth it. Watch it😅😅

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Haha I love that movie. I watched it over and over again. Unfortunately the phone containing it was broke.... Your twist is okay. 😅 I wasn't expecting the ending would be like that. 😁

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Looks like I am successful in giving people some thrill.. you can download it by torrent anytime. pretty easy to download😁😁

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Torrent is an app? Free?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

No sis, there are multiple websites from where you can get movues, series, games free. I know a torrent site> 1337x but search this one. find 3 idiots and download it via meutorrent apps(available in google play store)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh i see. I will try that when my signal is strong enough. Thanks👍

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Give a try. It's a trick that will help lifetime

$ 0.00
3 years ago

ohh 3 idiots inspired 😂😂😂 now i see what twist you meant

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Bit how was the combination😅😅 I tried to o maoe it funny. You had fun reading it?😅😅

$ 0.00
3 years ago

it was funny, yes 😂 and I enjoyed it. but i guess this is your genre of writing

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ahahahahaha, just like what Rancho did he also mix the paper on the table. But he didn't deserve the angels mercy coz he still cheat you know.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

He actually didn't reveal that the cheated. But my theory is he knew the story of woodcutter and went along with it. He is a cheeky bastard you know😂🤣🤣

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ahh, ahahahaha. And now he get a happy ending for himself that cheeky ass ahaha.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

He will get caught🤣🤣 want to me write something where he gets caught?🤣🤣🤣

but how was the story actually? funny? did it make you laugh a bit?😅

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Haha, it's up to you. For me I'm already satisfied with the story. Yeah it's funny, specially when things is about to get serious haha and your memes, and then the picture of those 3 idiots 😂😂😂

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Tried to blend those ides😂🤣🤣

$ 0.00
3 years ago