×××× Here's Your Tip ××××

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Written by
3 years ago

At first I want to apologise in advance as some may find this post not that much convincing. If I am wrong, I am totally open to discuss. My thoughts are not always perfect.

I am gonna start with a little story here. Once it was raining and a man became very hungry He wanted to go to a fine restaurant to have some soup and also Khicuri( Bengali food). The restaurant was not that much far from him home. So he took a rickshaw (Bengali vehicle) to go to the restaurant. After reaching the restaurant he gave the rickshaw puller 30 cents. The rickshaw puller said with respect that it was raining and he didn't got many customer and also he got drenched in the rain. It would be very kind of him to give some more cents. He man became kinda rude and told it's the exact money and he won't give any. I am gonna go a bit extreme, he actually got angry in the chit chat and a bit arguement and slapped the rickshaw-puller. He proudly entered the restaurant winning over the argument and saving a few cents. Then he ordered the food, ate and while paying bill he gave half a dollar more and told the waiter to keep and change and returned home.

In case you want to know about rickshaw and khichuri

I think some of you got from the story what I am going to say in the article. And I don't know if here is someone who is doing any part time job in a restaurant or not.

So I am gonna start from the beginning here. What does "Keep the change" actually means. In short, when you are getting a minimal amount in return, then some people don't want to take that small changes. That's why this term is actually used. It's generally used while paying bill in any shop or restaurant. In restaurant, some actually pay tips with the bills saying "Keep the change" or some may give it directly saying "Here's your tip".

But why do you tip a waiter/waitress actually?? Is it actually for thanking them or saving your own dignity there and following the tradition?

Everyday you go to many places, buy many staffs from store. Go to shopping and buy fruits and vegetable. Believe me or not sometimes people tells them to reduce a bit cost or to give a little bit discount. For example: Some went to buy a carrot, the shopkeeper said 30 cents per KG but the buyer continuously said he would not give more than 25 cents. It's very very common in life and there's nobody who will deny this fact. Forget about the discount, think you bought some fresh vegetables with the proper value. How much did you tip them? How often do you tip a shopkeeper for serving you?

May be it's fair to speak against tipping a waiter/waitress. They are serving you food. And also consider your reason is that you are happy with them and not saving your dignity.But why they are there in the restaurant? Why they are caller waiter/waitress and what's there job??My dad never got any tip after fixing a file? It was his job and he got a wage for that. Same goes for them too. They are performing their job and they get a healthy amount of wage by the shop owner. This trend is getting stronger and stronger. Once they never asked for tips. If anyone give them, they keep but if anyone don't give, they just moved on. But now they are speaking back like everyone is giving tips and why you shouldn't. Yesterday I faced the same situation and my friend had to give some. It was like hijacking.

But see, everyone is serving you. Everyone. I am keeping family and personal life aside and talking abiut professional life. Your teachers are standing, talking laud, writing on board, preparing topics and paper. You tip them after every class? Then you are buying vegetable. They have to go to a lot of trouble to grow those crops, protecting them, collecting them and manufacturing them, selling them. They doesn't deserve your thank you tip after every buy. The rickshaw-puller in that story deserved slap instead of a tip for his service. But a waiter/waitress deserve every time though they are kept for providing services and getting a wage for that.

But their effort and serve doesn't make us happy. Only the effort of waiter/waitress does.

Some may compare this with tipping articles and ask now, why do we tip articles then? We get the amount from the rewarder( Well I don't believe that completely but I am happy) but still why we give tip. Read Cash is a community and in this community, we all are neighbours. And neighbours share happiness with each other and stuffs so strengthen their bond. We share a lot of thing with each other to strengthen our bonds and give a hope that "Carry on, you are doing good and I am here to support you." It's not the same. When you like an article, then you give tip. When you want to give someone support to write more, then you tip. It's not mandatory and the person doesn't ask too. It strengthens bond. So please misunderstand. Both are different. Here we put our hands together to support each other.

In the end, I am not gonna say don't tip. I want to say that a waiter is serving you but he is getting good cloths, good and tasty foods, and also wages for it. But if you want to give a thank you tip, I support you. But giving tip to saving our dignity is a bad idea. And also want to say to recognise all's effort if you want to recognise them actually. It's unfair if you are recognising a waiter's effort but not the one's who are serving the best, it's not fair. But you can't do both the things, I just want to say

Well, that's for it. If I am wrong, please enlighten me. Thank you very much😊😊.

$ 3.75
$ 3.55 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @Jane
$ 0.05 from @Hanzell
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Written by
3 years ago


It nice

$ 0.00
3 years ago

But some waiters may want to impose it on you

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Exactly, I faced the situation yesterday and that's why I wrote

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Giving tips on someone you know they deserve it

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Giving tips on someone you know they deserve it

$ 0.00
3 years ago

how and why a waiter deserves it and the other people who serve you like teacher, shopkeepers, drivers, farmers doesn't.. explain

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Really good information

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks, I appreciate

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I have tipped severally. Well I believe it depends on the you, your motive for tipping. I personally do it out of care tho.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I am not talking about the Read cash tip. I hope yiu gt that. I also tip in read cash to encourage and also for care. But about the restaurant.. tey are getting enough and the other people who serves us like teacher, and other people who serve us don'tget tip and why the only though they get wage and other things

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Of course I know. It's tipping at the bar or a restaurant. Please reread my comment. Thank you

$ 0.00
3 years ago

okay😊😊 i get it now. thanks

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I don't really give a tip coz I don't eat outside. But, I sometimes give tip here in read.cash. even if it's not that much atleast, I just send him or her a message that I like their articles.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

look. giving tips is read cash is completely okay. I said that here we are neighbours and neighours share each other things and stuffs and encourage each other. I also top and sponsor my dear friends here. But waiters are too much now a days. Yesterday the waiter kept asking for tip ower and over and we had to give. Even after giving giving he asked more. They get food wage from there and they are there to serve food, it's their job. like our teachers teaches us. Did they ask tip after each class. I hate to give tip as they will get their wage but they are too much here nowadays

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I thought in some restaurant you are not allowed to ask for tips. But why they are forcing you, you shouldn't give him some and report it to the manager. You are all student so all of you don't have their own money so I don't get it 😣.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

As for me, I am not tipping yet, I am saving for something and the bot seems so thrifty to me these days ..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

No problem.. I know some people are actually here to support their family, themselves and some are here for some particular ambition. I have no ambition here actually and my family treats me well. That's why I am buying people gifts, treating them and some for me. rest are going to my personal fund for study. If I have capacity, I don't want to put some pressures off from my parents😅😅

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Oh, you are so kind too and very blessed to have your parents..and you didn't experience so much hardships in life..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah, I can't deny that actually. I am blessed to have a familuy like it. My brother is a doctor, my sister is too and we have our own home and a clinic center too. It was hard when both my brother and sister were studing medical at the same time as we didn't have our house then, we rented a home, so home rent, my school fees, tution fees, high amout of fees for brother and sister. it was hard then. But now I am studing under goverment university. Only 60$ in a year and we get rent and brother and sister is also doctor. So sun is smiling on us now and those rainy stromy days.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow, that's great. Medical courses need a lot of finances.. good thing your parents able to support it, and now your family is slowly recovering and getting a better situation.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That's the nature of Bangali, not only Bangali. Most of the people in the world. Some people are kind of like that, but you can also found some people who really shows the real humanity. Our earth is surviving for those people.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I give people food and also give poor money. You can check my profile, I also arranged food give away programme for poor with the money I got from read cash. A few days ago I mean. I want to help the people who need. But the thing is the waiters get to eat good food from the restaurant. even we don't eat that much good food. They get good cloth. Here they are saving the food cost too. Also getting wage in the end. but why do they ask for tip. it's just a nasty trend Our teachers serve us too but never asked for tip. But why they only

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You did a very good job! Love for you brother

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I never tip a waiter, to be honest, 😅 and about the bargaining of the price in the market, I also do that. But feel guilty as well coz farmers' work is more difficult than other jobs. Yet they receive little money compared to other jobs. About the rickshaw puller, I guess he deserves to be tipped more than the waiter. The waiter is earning a salary already and received tips from different customers, while the rickshaw puller only gains money from the riders.. And it is much harder to navigate the rickshaw than to serve foods on the table... In our country, we have that "pedicab" also similar to rickshaw but with different style.. If i have extra money, i give extra payment too.. .

$ 0.00
3 years ago

What can I say, yesterday the waiter kinda hijacked the tip. He won't let us leave and situation got embarrassing that we had to give them😑😑 and owner doesn't care.. everyone gives😑😑 and I don't like to bargain at all. If he is not asking much, I give them. Even in a rainy or what day, i give pullers s bit more as thanks. they deserve it

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Lol.. its like in Canada. They said that customers need to give tips.. Then don't eat in that restaurant anymore.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That totally hjacking money. it seems the owners don't give wage. and they depend on our tips😕😕😕

$ 0.00
3 years ago

True, i can't get the sense in tipping waiters at all. But as for my article tipping these days ;;-;; i don't have salary yet so i still need something to use to gee by til then ;-; will get back to my old habits when I'm stable again

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I get that. the wheel just started to run for you. it'll take some time to get the rhythm.. I would love to help. Just tell me if you need any or in crisis. you can pay me back when you get sakary. also hope rewarder gives a good attention to your post🥰🥰

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I can survive with what I've saved up from here plus what i get from when i write articles and pay day is next friday so it won't be that long a wait now. I can treat my mom to something she wants soon >w< still hoping i find time to research about the instruments we use in the lab because they're all fairly new to me and they fascinate me so much

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well well, I got 30$ from as my 1st wage😅😅 I expected 20 but got 30$ actually. Senior seemed satisfied with my teaching methods😅😅😅 Just hang in there and try to cut some expenses

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Wow you got a bonus too OwO that's actually great! I still haven't seen my contract, now that i remembered XD i should soon. Ohh I've been doing that. I still have food supply to last me 2 weeks then i can go home when i think i have the time, it saves my food supply from being consumed fast but they're all worried I'll get lighter than i already am XD

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Just Be kind to all the workers out there who always work hard for all the customers

$ 0.00
3 years ago

obviously I am kind to all the workers and I respect them a lot but I just want to say everyone deserves.. if you give, give to all. if not, don't give. But it's unfair thst only one category is getting even though they get cloth wage food. nothing else

$ 0.00
3 years ago