Can Memories Be Passed Through Generations??

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4 years ago

To be honest, I had a hell of a day. So much stuffs at university and to be honest I am pretty tired too. This topic, to be honest I am reading about it for a couple of days. I am confused as hell actually. It's deeper than I thought and I realized it's something that I can't realize by my own as it's really too much complicated. But I am finally writing on this topic. I am not sure what I will right. It's not correct information actually. As nobody still don't know what's actually the correct information is. So basically it is more like a hypothesis. Still I am writing with a hope if anybody knows about something and is willing to share it me to clear the concept more. So I m sorry if I am wrong but I still want to share my thought on it.

What Is Memory

Simple definition of memory is something we remember. Isn't it?? Actually it's something that is stored and we can get or remember whenever we want. From here we got the name of memory card. But from biological definition memory is the connection of neuron or more specifically the Synapses. But I still don't know where these information are actually stored. Some trusted information say it's stored at Hippocampus and some say it's stored not in neuron but in the synapses and when the connection is lost, we lose that particular memory.

But do you think it's the only memory?? Like I said everything we get whenever it's need is kinda memory. There are some kinds of memory like short-mid-long term. Apart from it there is one kind of memory we know actually but still may be you don't get it. It's our Instinctive behaviours or innate characters. How? Cause it needs to be remembered too. But if you look carefully, it's not learn. Most easy examle >Spider web

Do you actually think they go to university and do P.hd on making web?? No, it's innate character of spider that don't need to learn. They always know this is the way to make a web. All patters are not same but somehow they are very common and similar.

Brain and Spinal Cord

Well, we have a common belief that all memories are stored in Brains. And Brain performs the act. Guys, I told you I am not sure. I had a go through a lot of thinking and I am in nowhere. But I just think all memories are not stored in Brains. And also brain doesn't act for the Innate or Instinctive behaviours. Yeah you can count on that part😅😅. Our instinctive behaviours are not controlled by the brains. It's controlled by our spinal cord. Our innate characters are divided into two groups. Uncontrolled and controlled. Uncontrolled behaviours are that we don't need to learn but controlled are mostly we learn but later it's controlled by our Spinal cord. It needs to be learnt but most likely it's controlled by our unconsciousness. Like when a mosquito bite us, we act quickly to kill it or move that part. If you have doubt, you also do it when you are deep in sleep, your brain is resting and you are not working but still this process is working. Or quickly moving from a place as soon as you saw a snake lying on the ground. These ones are need to be learnt. What is harmful, how to act. You don't slap on you girlfriend's face while you are kissing but you slapped the mosquito while it's kissing you🙄🙄. I don't think I need to say anything here. But trust me, there are some uncontrolled instincts too like knee flex, constriction and dilation of eye lens, spider web, migration of the birds. and soo soo many. Now the question where are these information are stored. In brains? But How? During sleep, we act on touch. But the brain is not active then, so less chance that it's stored in brains. So where this information is stored???

Possible Place Where This Information Can be Stored

I am telling about transmit but still I haven't toughed this part yet. Do you know what actually pass the trait to offspring?? It's gene, functional region of DNA that codes Gene materials and proteins. This is contains our trait from one generation to another.

Now think one thing. Does the brain stuff memories pass to another generation? Big Noo, as you don't know any event from your parents and also not any knowledge your parents have learnt. So, it's a proof that brain memories are not actually have any connection with the genetic material. We don't know for sure, some says a blueprint of Brain's info is found on RNA but from my concept I am not getting that actually. But if we think about the instinctive characters, they do pass through the Genetic Material. Think about a baby just born. If you put a finger on it's mouth, it will start to suck it even though it's not breast. It's an instinctive character and vital because it is naturally trained to know to drink milk from breast. The trait is passed to to it. So it's obvious that this memory was stored on the genetic material or DNA/RNA and passed it to it. Yes, think kind of memory can be passed to the offspring. I know it will not make sense but check it out

Here it actually showed, how two instrictive behaviour of bee is actually passed to another offspring via gene. So it's actually a possibility that all the uncontrolled instinctive character are passed to the offspring via gene. But now the big question is, what area is this instinctive area covers. Giving you a short list

All Instinctive Behaviours

  • Tropism

  • Spatial orientation( Kinesis and Taxes)

  • Reflexes

  • Instinct

  • Movement

What about the Uncontrolled Instinctive character.

Here I am gonna say something that actually totally based on hypothesis. We all know our nervous system is of two types, Central Nervous System and Peripheral nervous system. Brain and spinal cord are part of Central nervous system.

And the peripheral one actually spread to our body.

Now one thing I didn't know, @Mehnaz cleared the fact that Neuron is not only found in the brain but also on the some part of peripheral nervous system. My hypothesis is this neurons are not actually controlled by the brain, these are controlled by Spinal cord may be and these actually store the information of the controlled instinctive character and that's why it doesn't pass but from life experience, it become a memory of there and become a instinctive one. It just clicked into my mind and I am not fully aware of it actually😕😕😕. It can be a chance but I am not fully aware of it.

But There Are Some Controlled Instinctive Character That Can Be Passed Genetically.

Now this is a fully opposite to my hypothesis. There are come traits that are controlled but can be passed through generation. It's the theory of Lamarck, Inheritance of Acquired Character. Here he gave the example that, the muscle of a person is acquired but it still can be passed through the generation. Easy for you, if mom and dad are fat, child will be fat. Though I am against of this example as I don't think acquiring muscle has any connection with the instinctive character. It's kind of mutation to me. But one example really bothered me.

Actual Script of that experiment,

In May 2018, David Glanzman of the University of California did an experiment and showed that the injection of an RNA extract from specimens of the sea slug, a classic animal in memory research was trained to respond to an electrical stimulus was capable of transferring the teaching to a untrained individual. Glanzman also showed that the RNA of the first animal stimulates the neurons of the second animal isolated on a Petri dish. It's through the transfer of DNA. So think, if memories were stored at synapses, there is no way that experiment would have succeed.

Here, I have noticed two things that is half positive with my hypothesis, at first the Sensory neurons which is part of peripheral nervous system which can be controlled by the spinal cord as I thought and withdrawal REFLEX system. Yeah, it became a part of controlled reflex system. The negative part is, here they said, those memory should not be stored in neurons and also added there can be a blueprint for this memory into RNA. Well, I just want to learn. Research is far from me still. Just a practice for me. Win lose doesn't matter for me. It's a practice for my brain and next level. And there is lot to read about it too. I am going to read more.

Is There Any Chance To Transmit Brain based memory

Who knows, we are not sure about the correct storage address of our brain memory. Some people are actually believing that memory has some connection with genetic material but complex mechanism may be. We don't know a lot of things. And also I haven't read a lot about it too. May be in future, even if it doesn't pass the memories, we will be able to retrieve all data and add the info to the gene of the baby successfully. Gene is a very powerful storage material and 1 gram of DNA has capacity of 455 exabyte and 1 exabyte = 1 billion gigabyte. We can actually dream of leaving the important parts innately in future.

Well, I am still reading. Sorry for coming up with the hard topic and if I know something new, I will post it. If anybody want to discuss about the fact, just comment to correct me. I want to know about this crazy fact. Man Genetic is awesome.

Thanks for you attention. Stay safe from pandemic and good luck in earning some cryptos

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Written by
4 years ago


Would be cool if memory could be passed on but it feels like those will be conditional and subject to update after a while since sll information does become obsolete at some point. Character inheritance is not much an indication that memory can be passed too

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Very informative I didn't know it at all. But sometimes in a movie your memories can be saved and they even watch it haha. How amazing it is if it will come true and stored our memories .

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Those are movies and this is reality😅😅. Still scientists are figuring out the exact locations. If it's found, then may be we will be able to retrive data. Many science fictions are based on the storage of memories. They just say brains will be artificial and you an download the data into your brain in an instanct😒😒 People actually dream big and weirf. That's why we came this far

$ 0.00
4 years ago

haha yeah I know but who will knows in the future maybe? Talking about weird dreams I always have that too and so don't want it to be Part of my memories it's all creepy 😆

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4 years ago