A Bit More Learning From Anime

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Written by
3 years ago

'You are too old to watch animes. It's for kids. Grow up buddy', I have heard it a lot. Some made fun, some people mocked but I am 22 and I will watch animes. Because there's a lot to learn, a lot of ways to get inspired. To note out these small details and to show it's worth it, I came up with this idea to show people. Hope you would read what I have to say hear.

Let me write a little description that would help you to understand this article better. Today's topic is from black clover, one of the animes that created hype in recent days. Sadly the t.v anime has ended and there's no guarantee that it would come back or not but they announced an Movie. So, we will be able to see it in future as well when the movie premiers.

Now, there is a squad named black bulls. The worst of all squads. Where all the squads fights to save country and people, try to gain merit, they don't do anything. Rather, they are almost vulgar. They pass their time meaninglessly and do mischiefs. That's why most of the people never believes in the squad and hate the squad.

Then the hero 'Asta' joins the squad. Inspires others to fight alongside him. Encourages everyone to fight and brought the best out of all of them. They defeated a lot of anime. Forms a great deal of combination between them and saves the country from the attack of elf and demon.

So, simple story. What to learn from here? But this small things give us a lot of courage about many things. Let's see if there is any.

Most of the times, we accuse our fate for the bad things happens to us. Like for a student, he can say I didn't get admission into the best University or got the worst group for assignment. Some woman things that she didn't find the best husband. And mostly 3rd world people think that they have born into a wrong country. There's many more examples like this. We are very fond of accusing our luck. Some people has pure bad luck like me😅. But the main fact is accusing luck and GIVING UP.

For me, I have the toughest luck in recent years. It happens to some people actually. But when you don't give up, still try to solve. These little things can be overcome easily.

Anyway, what I want to say that, after getting into this kind of situation, we often get demotivated. We thing that we have the worst possibilities, we can't do it. So what we do, we stop pushing ourself, we become like them and in the end we accuse our luck that we got the worst facilities and that's why we couldn't do it.

But look what Asta did here. He himself inspired every single members of his squad and believed in them. He never accused that he got the worst squad and he should give up to be the best. Somehow pass my days. He didn't. He pushed, got support and aim towards being the best.

And the best thing is that they responded to his call. They also tried their best, overcame their weaknesses and finally came out of their shell.

I know all of it doesn't work in real life. And easier saying than done. But that's the we have to believe. Here, we all have problems. We are not living a prince life here. So, we can't hope to do the best. Even, in Bangladesh, we have very few lab facilities. While choosing Genetic Engineering, many people tried to discourage me that there's no future here in Bangladesh for it. But I said, I would find my ways and you guys don't have to thing too much about it. And I am happy. We help each other to learn. Many senior brothers and batch mates have given me information and inspired. I have done the same too. And now we are improving together. Some are accusing Covid 19 for year losses. But still we are trying our best to use this moment like I am training and earning money and making my own fund.

So, don't lose hope if you don't get your desired post, things. And try to make the best use of the things you have. Try to encourage people around you and help them to unleash their potential. Once they understand, they will help you too and may be together you can achieve something that even who got the best couldn't achieve. Believe in your team, believe in your mate, believe in your own potential. Don't blame for your drawback. Then even if you lose, you will find a satisfaction that you tried our own way. But I believe every effort ends with a sweet result. May be visible or non-visible that the person only can feel.

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Written by
3 years ago


What? Me and my wife are grown man and woman and we took tons of lessons from Naruto and Naruto Shippuden. Heck we fanboying over the series and our kid MUST watch it :P btw, on Boruto, that guy from Kara who had carbon armor... that was some budget Hisoka... Heh Cheers

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That's the problem of living in a 3rd world country mate😢😢 I also watched boruto and you can find two articles about it if you scroll a bit. I also took lessons ftom there.
Yeah, and I didn't think that guy would die so early😐😐

$ 0.00
3 years ago

you really have an attachment with black clover but omg! It's gonna get a movie and I haven't even started on it yet

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hype of black clover is something else. But I gotta say, I liked previous jujutsu episode😅😅😅

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ohh yo watched the last episode of the season OwO I'm excited for the movie

$ 0.00
3 years ago

eating of the finger part though. It was🤣🤣🤣

$ 0.00
3 years ago

sammmeee me and my sister just went -_- when we saw that

$ 0.00
3 years ago

black clover has the most epic moment amdit has the funniest😃

$ 0.00
3 years ago

"You are too old to watch animes?" No one ever said that to me, instead they were like " you are too old to watch cartoons."

Cartoons. They call them cartoons. Those fools. Lol

Anyhow, fellow anime lover here. Black clover is another good anime if you can watch passed the few first episodes. At first, I found Asta's constant screaming annoying but after a while it grew on me. Plus, I love the effects of their magic. Yami mahou, yami matoi... lol

$ 0.03
3 years ago

Actually here is the same condition. They don't know the difference between anime and cartoon and they ix them togethwr and say both are the same. His shouting also annoyed me 1st but later it grew on me as well. Mada mada akiamenai😅😅😅

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Haha and I end up explaining it to them. Again and again. Lol

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I stopped explaining. They only make fun

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hahah well I got used to it so...

But still anime is life. Lol

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Anime is life🥰🥰🥰

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I'd never watch black clover, is it a good anime?, for me is it true that all anime have lessons wants to convey to audience, and im happy that some of anime that I've watched give me lessons in life, like seven deadly sins, Kimetsu no Yaiba, That time I've got reincarnated as a slime, etc.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Believe me, you won't regret watching black clover. One of the best anime of the recent time. I will recommand you to watch it. I also have watched seven deadly sins and demon slayer. I like them as well, but black clover is more inspiring

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I'll try thanks for recommendations:))

$ 0.00
3 years ago

most welcome mate

$ 0.00
3 years ago