The archeological site of Kraku Lu Jordan was discovered in the early 1970s and covers an area of 200 x 180 m. With the liberation from the surface layer of the earth, 1800-year-old walls were discovered. The walls (exterior and interior) are relatively well preserved and leave the impression of monumentality, which is not surprising given that this was once a significant metallurgical center of the Roman Empire. Four large pithos were discovered - a ceramic cup, in which ore was melted. In addition, remnants of gold and castings were found, the quality of which can be envied by modern technological production processes. Mining lamps, tools and imposing lamps for lighting the rooms were also found in the walls of the smelter. Other objects were also found, such as: tera Kraku Lu Jordan - A sign pointing to the site of Kraku Lu Jordan, scales, iron knives, spears and other weapons, then copper coins, etc.
Bowls, crucibles, and lids stand out from the ceramic vessel. It should be noted that site research is not conclusive. Kraku lu Jordan is located in the area of the village of Brodica, 14 km east of Kucevo towards Majdanpek. The surrounding nature is an unpolluted abundance of lush beech forests, intersected by gentle glades and fast, clear mountain streams. By the decision of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, Kraku lu Jordan in 1983 received the status of a cultural asset of exceptional importance.
Seems like there is space for more research