What's up: Blended Learning

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3 years ago

Humanity is being triggered by the pandemic, the COVID-19-the pandemic which shook and shocked the world. It was very evident that all of the aspect of mankind was greatly affected by the said pandemic the economy of the world-all of the business from the small micro enterprise to the big companies in the entire world and especially the health since it took thousands of lives and still counting however as the most advanced countries were likely to introduced medicines that can prevent and even to immunize us from the COVID-19.

Education is one of the most affected in this pandemic especially that we are bound to follow protocols set forth for us to be safe from the virus, we must wear mask all the time especially if we will be at the public place and to keep our distance from one another at least for a meter and a half. So going to school is definitely to be stopped to spare children, who were very vulnerable for the virus as well as the aged people. Here in the Philippines, we were still struggling for the on going increase of numbers of those who were affected by the virus, as a matter of fact we have been placed 5th in the ranking worldwide. However, our government was very eager to continue the learning, even at the very start not less than our President Rodrigo Roa Duterte states that if there were no medicine for the COVID-19, there will be no opening of class but then as he was being thoroughly explained, later on it was being decided that school year 2020-2021 will be opened but there will be no face to face lecture that teachers and students will not meet personally, then the what so called BLENDED LEARNING appeared and made.

Blended learning is considered as the variety of ways to come up with better learnings in time of pandemic, wherein all of the medium were used, like the television, the radio, the internet-which is commonly known as online class and the modular method which was into printing and digital. Everyone was new to this educational system even the teachers, parents and especially the students, however we are able to adapt and understand the situation so that we can simply move on. As far as private institution is concerned some of them happened to open their school year ahead compared to the public though they are still well guided by the Commission on Higher Education, the private institutions have provided their own strategy on how to prevent the virus on their own capability as they were given a permit to operate.

Soon as we are on our way to go to what we call as to new normal way of life after COVID-19, we must be very careful and we must strive face more challenges for ourselves, family, community, city, land, country and the our world.

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3 years ago
