Go through the Qing Dynasty to be an emperor

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It was clear that the selfless assistance of the British allies had completely moved General Plastiras, and in return, he announced on the afternoon of the 8th that all the Greek government troops under his command would surrender to the Great Dragon Army and to the heroic Greek People's Liberation Army led by Mr. Simas and Marcos. In the same announcement, Plastius painted himself as a hero who "infiltrated the enemy and was ready to raise the banner of national liberation and national independence", claiming that the British had invaded Greece and that the provisional government led by Spanoris was a puppet supported by the British. It was through this government that the British hoped to colonize Greece. As a dignified and patriotic Greek, he called on all the Greek people to stand up and fight resolutely against the greedy and shameless British and the Spanolis government they had supported, which had lost its national dignity.. On November 9, Plastiras's announcement appeared on the front pages of the major newspapers of the Chinese Federation. With the help of this announcement, the imperial propaganda tools, which had been silent for several days, finally launched a fierce offensive against the West. In response to the announcement of Plastiras, the major newspapers of the Empire attacked the invasion of Greece by British troops and the planning of large-scale bloody massacres in Greece, which were both sharp and harsh, and even more or less alarmist. After the criticism and description of these newspapers, the British army in Greece became the SS under the German fascist system. They have committed all kinds of crimes in Greece, which has aroused great indignation among the Greek people. In the face of this sudden change, especially the fatal blow of Platyrus. The British government, with Churchill as its core, panicked for a while. You know, on the 7th,endless swim spa, the British government had publicly praised the heroic Greek general, and now, in just two days, this guy had played such a trick. Under such circumstances, how can the government spokesman refute the Chinese attack? To say that Plastius is a running dog of the Chinese and that his words are not credible? Are you kidding? That's a slap in the face. Said the general was threatened by the Chinese, so he told a lie? This is not possible, because the Chinese government announced that in order to disclose the truth behind the Greek incident to the world, the Dragon Army will cooperate with the Greek National Liberation Committee to hold a live press conference in Larissa, and Plastiras will be the protagonist of the press conference, when journalists from all over the world can attend. At that point, jacuzzi bath spa ,endless pool factory, it would be clear whether Plastiras himself was threatened or not. In desperation, the British government had no choice but to fabricate a self-justifying lie based on some bits and pieces of information. They claimed that Plastiras had been bribed by the Chinese. While surrendering to the Chinese, the traitor also sold a large number of materials cheated from the British army to the Chinese at a price of 750,000 pounds. This impromptu lie is also credible, because on the day of his surrender, his family in Athens and two secret people mysteriously disappeared, and all kinds of signs indicate that these people were transferred in advance by Chinese secret agents. Who is in charge of the ups and downs: World War III (Closing Volume) Chapter 1171 Churchill is Angry As he said this, Guan Xuqing still shook hands with Churchill. He looked at Churchill, who looked a little ugly, and finally added: "Respectable Mr. Churchill, I think you must have a deep understanding of this point." "Yes," Churchill, with a smile on his face despite his anger, took a step forward, seemingly enthusiastically standing side by side with the Chinese emperor, and then said, "His Majesty's desire for peace can indeed be proved by God.. And only God can prove it. ” "Ha ha ha." Guan Xuqing naturally heard the sarcasm contained in Churchill's words, but he was not annoyed. On the contrary, he felt very happy, because he could see that Churchill had had a hard time recently, and his thick eye sac wrapped around his eyeball was somewhat swollen. Well, Mr. Churchill's face looks a little haggard. "Changing the subject, Guan Xuqing looked at Churchill's serious face and said," It seems that he has not been able to have a good rest recently. In fact, as I have always advocated, the body is the capital of governing the country. As Prime Minister, Mr. Churchill must pay attention to his health. If he takes more time to cultivate his moral character after his busy work, I think it will be of great benefit to him. Churchill snorted as if he wanted to say something, but at that moment, Guan Xuqing suddenly made a sudden look and rushed to continue: "Oh, I almost forgot, Mr. Churchill may have enough time to rest after a while.". Alas, it's hard to believe. I've heard that you don't seem to be very popular in your country recently. Perhaps it will not be you, sir,endless swim pool, who will be able to conduct similar negotiations with me in Beijing next time, which is really regrettable. Churchill, angry!. monalisa.com

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