Pollution and earth

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3 years ago

We decor our home , furnished them but we forget our own basic home where we are striving to survive , yes! Its Earth . Ozone layer is totally damaged because of pollution that is been created by factories, traffic , noise pollution and so on.

Pollution is caused by us , we are the ones who causes it and we are the ones who make issues on pollution. Earth need a break from pollution so that plants can exhale more oxygen and ozone can repair itself which is more important because once ozone get damaged as a result we can face skin cancer because of direct interaction with sun .

Water is totally polluted fishes die because of pollution and polythene bags , some can cause diseases after intake . There are so many reasons by which water get polluted .

Polythene bags are the main reason because they don't get dissolved to overcome with that problem we burn them and by burning it we create air pollution.

To overcome this problem we have to make some rules so that we can cause a less pollution day by day to have a pollution free and green land

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