I'm a Shrimp 🦐 soon to become a Crab🦀

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Written by
3 years ago

I’m a Shrimp

I am human, not literally a shrimp. By the way I am Jhun22 in read.cash and Jhun in noise.cash. I am 22 years old a 3rd year college student. My real first name is Jhunrey. Then, what makes me claim that I’m a shrimp? So here’s come the reason. In Bitcoin there are ranks of Bitcoin Holders and I think it can be used also in Bitcoin Cash Holders. The levels are HUMPBACK, WHALE, SHARK, DOLPHIN, FISH, OCTUPOS, CRAB, SHRIMP AND NO-COINER.

From NO-COINER Jhunrey to SHRIMP Jhunrey. My next goal is to become a CRAB. I wish and I will work for it to become a CRAB before second quarter of the year ends. I’m only 20% of becoming a CRAB now but still I have high hope to reach my goal before July 2021. It is all thanks to @MarcDeMesel noise.cash, read.cash and also to the noisers who tipped my post in noise.cash and to the read.cash users who upvote my article. Many dreams will come true because of this amazing platforms. Soon my dream to become a CRAB will become reality.


Base on my average daily earnings of Bitcoin Cash in noise.cash it is around 0.00625BCH this data was computed by my earnings from February 20,2021 to March 08,2021. I earned 0.1BCH in 16 days that makes my daily average earning of Bitcoin Cash is 0.00625BCH. Base on my goal to become a CRAB I need to earn 0.80BCH from March 18,2021 to June 30,2021 and it is 104 days to achieved my goal to the exact time. By using my chart I need to increase my average daily earning of Bitcoin Cash from 0.0065BCH to 0.008BCH a day to become a CRAB before July 2021 at that rate I can finished it in 100 days. I am also starting to sell waifus and it will help me also to earn more Bitcoin Cash.

My dream is not impossible. I will work for it and it will happen. My bio in noise.cash is “Work for Your Dream, Make it Happen”. Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE the word itself says “I’M POSSIBLE” by Audrey Hepburn. To build our future we need to have daily goal cause small effort counts. As Mr. Moon says DREAM BIG DREAM from the movie Sing it makes me realize we need to dream big to have a better future. Dream without action will stay as a dream, but a dream with action and focus will become reality.

$ 0.01
$ 0.01 from @jhaxun
Avatar for Jhun22
Written by
3 years ago


interestingly, crypto when we hold the coin feels motionless, when we sell the coin it goes up.

$ 0.00
User's avatar med
3 years ago

You can do it lods, beliy and you can..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You have to need something more😍😘

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yes I need 80% more to achieved it 🙂

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Great bch plan, saw your post in NC. HOPE YOU GET YOUR 1BCH SOON

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you for the support 🙂 I will try my best to achieve my 1bch goal🙂

$ 0.00
3 years ago