Dealing with Mental Health

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3 years ago

If you observe, keenly, the effects of wear and tear we have to deal with as humans of the modern era, due to the speed of change either from embracing new technology, an unconventional Government policy or just having to deal with our kids these days. It can really get tough and overwhelming when we sit still and reflect on the life around us.

Sometimes our mental capacity isn't strong enough to encourage positive emotions and we have to deal with either living in fear, depression, or just some toxic energy created from within us or via some external factors.

Well, my experience with mental health has taught me that in order for me to live an exceptional life, full of no regrets whatsoever, I need to understand what might affect my mental health and learn to diligently manage that factor.

The lack of a strong mental capacity to deal with the complexities of existence has seen us so many times question our very own existence. Like I can tell that this is a tone familiar to so many people, at least once in a lifetime.

'Life sucks! I just don't understand it. I feel so unloved.

And more of such inner voice.

Well, does life suck?

Yes, at times, but pushing us to the point that we question our very own existence is the route to a toxic mental state. And I'm pretty sure you know the exterior effect of a struggling mental state.

The good news is that we can find meaning in life, even at our lowest points.

Three things that have helped me manage my mental state are:

  1. I MATTER: You have to start by believing that. Believe you weren't put in the world to make up the numbers. Hell No!

    Also, believe you weren't put here to do anything fanciful too. You found yourself on earth because You Mattered to whoever your creator is, mine is GOD.

  2. LIFE ISN'T A ROLLERCOASTER: You need to embrace that life can hurt sometimes. People will disappoint you, including family. In essence, there'd be bad times and some will last longer than others. But don't let it swallow you, remember that as long as there's night, daylight will surely come back up except the principle of night and day stops working. See failure as a learning experience and you'd be fine.

  3. I AM NOT IN A COMPETITION: This might be a little tricky than it should be. Our companies always want to be the best, we always want our products to outdo our competition, our children delight us, even more, when they are heads and toes above every other kid in their classes or community, and more. Well, that's just man's thinking about coexistence. What I actually mean to say is that our individual purpose isn't to be better than someone else but to be the best version of ourselves. We can learn from people, even try to be a little like them but that doesn't mean that when we don't measure up, we should visit the store of worthlessness or depression. We don't need all those external pressure. All we need is love for self which embraces patience, encouragement, and gentle progress. We can shed a tear sometimes, withdraw inwards, yell, scream, or whatever but we shouldn't let the sun go down on our moodiness.

    If truth be told, if we stop thinking we have to outdo every other person in our world or community, every time, we'd be happier with ourselves.

In conclusion, dealing with our mental health isn't expensive, like food to the body, we need to carefully monitor our mental health.

$ 6.58
$ 6.57 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for Jhosuer
3 years ago


It's not easy to dealing with mental health, you explained it so beautifully. I like the way you explained it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It is important to take care of our mental health. I have a relative that's mentally challenged and it's so hard to deal with her tbh.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very Very nice article dear

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

yes dude life really sucks

$ 0.00
3 years ago