You don't have money then don't be lazy.

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2 years ago

Money is scattered everywhere. Do you agree with me or not? You have the chance to have them if you just have the courage to have them. Some people are complaining for having no money but what are they doing. They are just waiting there while lying in their bed looking at the ceiling.

Well that's not new to those lazy people. They just want money that came from free and not from their own sweat or efforts. Waiting will not help them to have some money but if you have investments then good.

There's a lot of opportunities out there that requires not much effort and don't need a lot of intelligence but pays good. We just need to find them because those opportunities will not come to us. They will not be bump to us and say,Hello you can do me in order for you to have money lol. I can say that because I already did and gained some money without exerting much effort and power of mind.

Just like now we are here in the basketball court sun drying the harvest of our uncle. He's looking for people to help them in drying their rice so we presented ourselves and he said that he will pay our time and effort so who we are to say no. I loved having money so yeah. I'll grab any opportunities as long as it's a good way to aquire money. We're sun drying 40 cavans of newly harvested rice and our pay here is 300 to 400 pesos or $6 to $7.

My own photo.

This kind of job pays a good money so everytime they harvest their rice, it's automatic that they will look for people because as of now no one would like to buy newly harvested rice. I don't know why so every farmer here now is doing everything to sundry their harvested rice.

They don't want to buy fresh harvest but if you sundry it the price is still the same, only 1 to 2 pesos will be added per kilo. No wander many farmers who's planting rice before has shifted to farming sweet potatoes. I've watched a video in facebook last Sunday wherein he's one of the farmers who shifted from rice to sweet potatoes. Judging from it's income now I can say that sweet potatoes do sell better than rice.

After watching it I'm planning to farm sweet potatoes in some parts of our rice field which receives less water from the irrigation. Rice has no luck in there because if ever the rice will survive with less water, it will produce not good grains. Maybe I'll try to plant some of the areas to see if it will cater the need of sweet potatoes. Well sweet pota+oes don't need that much water so I can say that it's okay.

Speaking of not being lazy in earning money, I've watched a video in youtube which discussed the ways of earning money just by doing not so heavy tasks.

So what are the ways it says to earn a decent money. First in the list was,

Falling in line for other people.

In this way you just have to fall in line for people who want something like the newly published books, newly launch phones just like the I Phones and many more or tickets for newly released movies in cinemas. This one requires a lot of patients because in some cases you have to stay under the sky just to accomplish your mission.

One of the person who's doing this just made a company which accomodate people who will request like those things I mentioned above. He even said that he earned a $100 just by falling in line. He even earned $30 so easily just by falling in line to have an ice cream. How easy was that. It just required patients to fall in line.

Now you see friends just by discovering some ways to earn some decent money he came up with his own company and their are booming now. I think they got a lot of request this times especially that we are on a pandemic. People are afraid to go outside.

So ladies and gentlemens out there, being lazy will do nothing good to your life. That's why we have to try everything we can do to earn some money and not just waiting for blessing because even if you're praying everyday if you don't act even in a single bit nothing will happen.

Author's note

I may be tired later on after we finish our task but it's all worth it because we can have money at the end. I may not be able to attend in your articles friends so I'm sorry in advance. I'm just glad that I'm able to write this one even if I'm busy here. Well every single time is important so I do the writing when I have time.

Money makes me happy and who does not right? You can't say that money is not making you happy because all the things such as those material things came from money.

Thank you for reading this article again my friends and see you next time.

Lead image: I made it in Canva same with the image above.

To my sponsors and all avid audience who always supports my articles, Arigatouđź’š.

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Avatar for Jher0122
2 years ago


Yup indeed to get something in life we need to come out from our comfort zone and to earn something in life we need to do the hardwork

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oww Inam lazy bruh hahaha but yeah, when we realized and carryover our own financial expenses that's the time where we value more than our money. That's the time where being lazy won't fit to side haha.

Dealers don't want to buy fresh anymore because of storage purpose hehe. Unlike before they could buy some fresh yet now they realize that it will be lost on Profit lol.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Kaya nga po..saka lang nila marerealize na kailangan na nilang gumalaw dahil wala na silang magastos..

Ay sabagay po..kaso pag nabilad naman kamura parin presyo..tas ga buyer din makikinabang sa pagod ng mga magsasaka na nagbilad..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yas! We can always make money. There are variety of ways. We just have to be smart and resourceful.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You're right about that po. Minsan kahit andiyan na sa harapan natin yung pagkakakitaan eh nababalewala dahil sa tamad or di lang natin makita..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I grabbed any work too kuys. Nakakamiss lang din mag bilad ng palay. Ang sarap nyan paahin eh kapag hinahalo. Hehehe.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Maganda din kasi pag grinagrab mga trabaho na ganiyan ...Paminsan-minsan lang din naman dito kuys.. Maalikabok nga lang pag naghalo lalo na pag mahangin haha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago