Life Is Tough Without A Doubt.

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Avatar for Jher0122
1 year ago
Topics: Reality, Life, God, Lessons

We live in a world with endless possibility and infinite outcomes. I'm in a human form just like you are but unless you're an alien then I can say we're not the same. Well we can't say for sure how "aliens" really looks like because we haven't seen one but we just called those things and creatures we've seen as aliens because we are not familiar with their features. What if those aliens we called are in human forms like us also and they are living with us for a long time already. It's not something to think off but it's something I was curious about.

Moving on, from that alone I can say that life is tough. From what I've experienced in this journey of mine, it's really tough in many ways and sometimes it's draining me and I was like just a thin air floating. It seems that my mind can't handle all the informations registering in it. Too much infos, too much to think.

Sometimes a thought will hit us such as why do we have to suffer the way we're in right now? Why do we have to be the one to be in this position now? Why other are doing just fine and why I'm not in that kind of position when I was born? Those disturbing questions gets in to my head sometimes when things are very hard in my side. Then when my mind calmed down atlast, the lessons they taught to me flashes back.

A lesson such as, You're in that position now because God knows that you can handle it and overcome it. Because He will not put you in that position if He didn't knew that you can succeed despite those obstacles in your front. Because He knew you better than anyone else. I'm holding into this one everytime life put me in a difficult situations and will seek guidance from Him then without any delayed, something will come or pop up as a solution to my problem.

Ofcourse I move everytime I seek guidance because nothing will happen if you just stay there and wait for it. He will guide you along the way. He's doing everything He can to make a path for you so don't be a hard headed that sometimes even if the path your taking is wrong already but you will decide to continue.

] can say that He guided me a lot of time already, taught me lessons that are not taught in school. As they said, in school, they teach you a lesson then you will be put to test while in reality with life, it will put you to test first then the lessons will follow. A big diffirence when it comes to the ways of teaching us about life and things.

Don't be afraid to face what's ahead of you because in this journey, He's with us. If He will remove something or someone from your life then let it be because He knows what's good for you. If He will put you to many trials then face them and surpass them because He knows how to make you stronger. If your plans are not being achieve then let it be, because He has a plan for you which is better than yours.

As you take this journey, let Him to the impossible things, trust Him because no matter what He will never leave your side and will make your dreams come true as long as you go on.

Sometimes when life is pinning me down to the ground, I don't let it. I fight back, I stand up because it pinned me down once and I already learned my lessons that's why this time, I gotta stand up and continue to step forward.

You gotta fight also and step forward no matter what.

Thank you for reading.



$ 2.21
$ 2.13 from @TheRandomRewarder
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$ 0.03 from @Ruffa
Avatar for Jher0122
1 year ago
Topics: Reality, Life, God, Lessons


Yes jher we shouldn't lose hope. We should always remember that He is always with us. We must believe. We must trust him.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Indeed, life js really tough. But, that whats hones us naman to be much tougher in every problem that we are facing. Life is tough but also beautiful. Let's just struggle , that's just shows that we are alive.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

First and foremost, welcome back here brother been while since you posted haha, I never doubt that you can always handle those thing what ever the chaledges you have right noew, I knew that things happened for some reason.

$ 0.00
1 year ago